Paradise is under the Feet of Women
In a hadith reported from the Prophet (S), he said: “Paradise is verily under the foot of the woman.”10 This hadith is recorded in books of hadith with other versions, like: “Paradise is under the feet of mothers,” 11 and: “Construction of paradise is under feet of mothers.”1 and others.
In regard of honouring the women, the Prophet (S) said: “The best of you are those who be too kind to their wives.” 2
He also said: “None honouring the women but the magnanimous, and none insulting them but the mean depraved one.”3
The noteworthy point here is that our religious leaders have, in their last testaments and in most critical situations, recommended to respect rights and dignity of women.
In the last year of his age and in his Farewell Pilgrimage “hijjat alwadaa'”, which was attended by a huge multitude of people, the Messenger of Allah (S) addressed people saying:
“O mankind, your wives have right over you and you have right over them… so fear you the wrath of God, in respect of the women, and recommend to them all the good.”4
al-Imam Ali “peace be upon him”, after being stroked on the nineteenth night of Month of Ramazan, has summoned his children giving them and all people throughout history, precious recommendations, among which the following maxim was also cited:
” “I recommend you to observe your duty to” Allah in regard of the women and the captives whom your right hands possess. As the last thing recommended by your Prophet was that he said: “I commit to your charge the two feebles: the women and what your right hands possess.”5
That which can be concluded out of this statement is that the custom of enslaving “others” is never approved by religion at all, and it has exerted so many efforts for abolishing and eradicating it from the human society.
Further, some laws and regulations have been revealed and enacted all for changing and removing this abominable practice with time passage. In regard of women the same method was followed and adopted to the effect that our religion never intending to discriminate between males and females, and the aim of some of the laws and rules was to creating gradual accompaniment with the society and eradicating that habit forever.
- 1. At-Tabaqaat Al-Kubra, vol. IV, p. 274.
- 2. Kanz Al-Ummal, vol. XVI, p. 461.
- 3. Mawsu’at Atraaf Al-hadith An-Nabawi, vol. IV, p. 513.
- 4. Sunan Ibn Majah, vol. II, p. 636.
- 5. Mukhtasar Tareekh Dimashq, vol. VII, p. 50.
- 6. Tuhaf Al-Oqool, p. 30
- 7. ibid., p. 140.