Your intellect will be tried by these three

Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) said:
ثَلاثٌ يُمْتَحَنُ بِهَا عُقُولُ الرِّجالِ هُنَّ المالُ وَ الْوِلايَةُ و الْمُصِيبَةُ

There are three things based on which intellect of dignified individuals is tried: wealth, rank, and calamity. 1

Brief Description
Divine trials are the means of development and improvements and they do not have special tools.
Man may be tested by any means, but three of them are more important than the others:
– whether or not he loses his intellect and wisdom when he gains property and wealth?
– when a rank is awarded to him, whether his capacity is so fragile that he forgets everything?
– and when an unpleasing event happens to him, does he become impatient and ungrateful ?[divider]
•    1. Ghurar al-Hakam

What is the true asceticism in Islam?

The Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his progeny) said:
اَلزُّهدُ فى الدُّنْيا قَصْرُ الأَمَلِ وَ شُكْرُ كُلّ نِعْمَة وَ الوَرَعُ عَنْ كُلِّ ما حَرَّمَ اللّهُ

Asceticism in this world is based on three things: curtailment of desires, thanksgiving for blessings, and avoiding the prohibited things. 1

Brief Description
Most people misunderstand the concept of Islamic asceticism and consider it as isolation and separation from material and social life. They define ascetics as those who practice seclusion from society and abstention from all material pleasures of social life.
True asceticism is in fact based on a corrective social concept as stipulated in the above tradition.
It includes protection of rights of others , keeping away from illegitimate and unlawful wealth, and using one’s resources for worthy and humanitarian purposes (which is the real concept of thanksgiving) as well as minimizing one’s desires for material things which , if unchecked, can lead man to dissociate from everything other than the pursuit of money, position and lust.[divider]
•    1. Tuhaful Uqul, page 58. Al-Kafi, vol 5, page 71. Wasa’il Al-Shia, vol 17, page 15. AlKhisal, vol 1, page 14.

Hasty action is a kind of insanity

Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) said:
اَلْحِدَّهُ نَوْعٌ مِنَ الْجُنُونِ لاِنَّ صاحِبَها يَنْدَمُ فَإن لَمْ يَنْدَمْ فَجُنُونُها مُسْتَحْكَمٌ

Hastiness and precipitance is a kind of insanity and those having this attribute repent of their actions very soon, or (if they continue on this path) it shows that their insanity is perpetual and firmly ingrained in them.1

Brief Description
Intellect and wisdom dictate that one avoids undue haste and precipitance because in this condition one often fails to adequately study all the relevant aspects to make a correct decision. And soon one has to repent for the consequences of his naive and impulsive actions.
Sometimes, man dissipates the worth of all of his good speeches by one hasty inappropriate remark, and loses his old intimate friends and that jolts him into sincere repentance.
As for those who do not desist even after observing the bad consequences of their hasty actions, they can be said to suffer from insanity that is ongoing and well entrenched.[divider]
•    1. Nahjul Balaghah

Three basic social principles

Imam As-Sadiq (a.s.) said:
اَلنّاسُ سَوَاءٌ كَأَسْنانِ الْمِشْطِ وَ الْمَرْءُ كَثِيرٌ بِأَخِيْهِ وَ لا خَيْرَ فِى صُحْبَةِ مَنْ لَمْ يَرَ لَكَ مِثْلَ الَّذِى يَرَى لِنَفْسِهِ

People are equal (in social rights) with each other like the teeth of a comb! An individual becomes a great society together with his (religious) brothers. It is not right to associate with one who does not wish for you whatever he wishes for himself.1

Brief Description
Three basic social principles are mentioned in the above tradition.
First, equal rights and justice for everyone irrespective of their color, race, language and social status.
Second, the relationship of an individual with the society and the society with an individual. Each individual counts and in co-operation with his brothers forms a great community.
Lastly, the necessity of respecting the others’ interests as one’s own interests as the basic element of true friendship and companionship. A society devoid of these three principles is neither an Islamic nor a humanitarian society.[divider]
•    1. Tuhaful Uqul, page 274.

Who would be the most dignified person on the day of resurrection?

helping hand

The Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his progeny) said:
إنَّ أَعْظَمَ النَّاسِ مَنْزِلَةً عِنْدَ اللّهِ يَوْمَ القِيامَةِ أَمْشاهُمْ فِى أَرْضِهِ بالنَّصِيحَةِ لِخَلْقِهِ

The most dignified people on the day of resurrection are those who had engaged most in public service and benevolence.1

Brief Description
One of the ways of service to God’s people is respecting and protecting their interests and their benefits as one’s own interest and benefit, and dealing with them sincerely and benevolently in their presence as well as behind their back.[divider]
•    1. al-Kafi, volume 2, page 166. Wasail Al-Shia, vol 16, page 382. Mustadrak AlWasa’il, vol 12, page 387.

What are the mutual rights of parents and children?

The Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his progeny) said:
يَلْزَمُ الْوالِدَيْنِ مِنَ الْحُقُوقِ لِوَلَدِهِما مَا يَلْزَمُ الْوَلَدَ لَهُما مِنْ حُقُوقِهِما

In the same way as the children are to be held to account for disregarding parents’ rights, parents are also accountable for not observing the children’s rights.1

Brief Description
Rights and duties always go hand in hand. And greater rights call for greater duty and responsibility.
The Holy Qur’an places heavy emphasis on duty to one’s parents. While parents enjoy great rights vis-à-vis their children, they also bear a heavy responsibility to them. They shall at no time neglect to train their children, to help them improve bodily as well as spiritually and to keep them away from mental and moral taints. The tumult of their life shall not hinder them from this great duty.[divider]
•    1. Sayings of the Imams

The excellence of a scholar over a votary

Imam Musa ibn Ja’far (a.s.) said:
فَضْلُ الْفَقِيهِ عَلَى الْعابِدِ كَفَضْلِ الشَّمسِ عَلَى الْكَواكِبِ

The excellence of a scholar over a votary is similar to excellence of sun over the stars.1

Brief Description
The stars in the sky are themselves luminous but fail to provide luminosity to the Earth and to illuminate the path for us.
Sunlight and its bright and shiny rays, on the other hand, revive and energize the Earth and also light up the path for all inhabitants of planets in the solar system. The sun thus enables others to distinguish the right path from the deviant one, the high road from crag. And it is this that distinguishes a scholar from a devotee. The latter is concerned only with saving himself whereas the former tries to also save others from drowning.
Just as planets need sunlight, votaries need a scholar.[divider]
•    1. Tuhaful Uqul, page 307.

Helping others makes me not progress?

Imam As-Sadiq (a.s.) said:
مَنْ كَانَ فِى حاجَةِ أَخِيْهِ الْمُسْلِم كَانَ اللّهُ فى حاجَتِهِ

Whosoever engages in fulfilling the requirements and needs of his Muslim brothers, God will fulfill his requests.1

Brief Description
People often think that if they get involved in solving the problems of others, this would retard progress in their own life. Islam has a different viewpoint. The Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) says that if you engage in solving people’s problems and fulfilling their requirements, God, whose power is beyond your power and all powers, helps you and solves your problems. We have been witnessed how the problems of those who help others get solved in wonderful ways and this is a divine bounty.[divider]
•    1. Bihar al-Anwar, volume 74, page 286, Wasa’il Al-Shia, vol 16, page 359. Mustadrak AlWasa’il, vol 12, page 414. Al-Amali, page 97. Awali Al-Laali, vol 1, page 375.

Praise someone else should have any measure?

Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) said:
الثَناءُ بِأَكْثَرَ مِنَ الاسْتِحْقاقِ مَلَقٌ و التَّقْصِيرُ مِنَ الأسْتِحْقاقِ عَىٌّ أَوْ حَسَدٌ

When praise and commendation is more than merited and deserved, it is flattery and when less than merited it is either debility in expression or envy. 1

Brief Description
Undoubtedly, the worthy individuals and their good attributes and deeds should be praised and appreciated, and in this way we shall encourage and support them to carry on with their good work.
But praise should be proportionate to the merit. Otherwise, it would have negative and harmful consequences. If it is more than merit, it becomes flattery which hurts the dignity of the speaker and also causes self-conceit and self-admiration in the one who is flattered. And if it is less than merit, it discourages the good doers and shows that the speaker is either envious or weak in his power of expression.[divider]
•    1. Nahjul Balaghah

How should I make justice among my children?

The Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his progeny) said:
إِعْدِلُوا بَيْنَ أَوْلادِكُمْ كَما تُحِبُّونَ أَنْ يَعْدِلُوا بَيْنَكُمْ

Observe justice among your children just as you would like that they render justice among you.1

Brief Description
One of the capital mistakes is discrimination in treatment of children. Some people favor their older and so called senior child and others favor their younger child. Sometimes they exceed the bounds and reserve all of their kindness, property and affections for one of them, and deprive the others totally.
This provokes the fire of malice and envy in the hearts of the ones left out and in time this will develop into enmity among them and vindictiveness towards their parents and they may even seek vengeance in the society.[divider]
•    1. Bihar al-Anwar, volume 23, Makarim AlAkhlaq, page 220