10 Islamic Manners on the Dining Table (6)

10-Islamic-Manners-on-the-Dining-Table Etiquette to be observed after the meals

After the meal, the hands should be washed and rubbed on one’s face so that one’s daily bread may increase and the freckles on the face disappear.

Mufazzal ibne Umar states that he complained of pain in the eyes before Imam Ja’far-e-Sadiq (a.s.). The Imam (a.s.) told him that when he washes his hands after the meal, he should keep the wet hands on his eyebrows and eyelids and recite three times:

‘All praise is due to Allah who ministers kindness, makes one beautiful, showers one with blessings and elevates one!’

Mufazzal states that he followed the instructions of the Imam (a.s.) and never again had eye pain.

When Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.) was having a meal in the house of Fazal bin Yunus, Fazal brought a napkin so that the Imam (a.s.) may cover his lap but Imam (a.s.) refused, saying that it was the etiquette of non-Muslims and allies nations.

 According to a tradition from Abdullah bin Abbas, one should say ‘Alhamdolillah’ while having food. According to a tradition from Amir-ul-Momineen Hazrat Ali (a.s.), a man who takes the name of Allah before starting his food and praises Allah after he ends the meal, then he will not be questioned about his food on the Day of Judgement.

A tradition from Imam Reza (a.s.) advises to lie down flat after having food and to keep the right foot over the left.

A tradition from Yasar and Nadeer, slaves of Imam Reza (a.s.) states that the Imam (a.s.) ordered them not to stand up to show their respect even to him while taking food, even if the Imam (a.s.) is standing near them and not to work while having food. Yasar says that if they answered that they were having meals when the Imam (a.s.) called them, then the Imam (a.s.) used to order them to finish their meal before doing the work.