What is the cause of children being disrespectful and disobedient?

Question: Why do our children stand still in their places and disobey us when we ask them for something? What is the cause of their mutiny, obdurateness, and disobedience?

The answer: You should not think that the cause of this phenomenon is only one cause. In fact, there are many causes. For example:

1. The child may not know the purpose of the thing requested from him. Here, parents can show him the purpose and instruct him in a language that he can understand.

2. He may think that the thing requested is not important, and so the importance of the thing should be declared to him.

3. He may not know how to carry out the thing requested, and here he can be taught the way.

4. He may not know which is of greater priority when two things are requested from him. Here, parents should explain to him what his priorities are.

5. He may think that he shall not be punished when he rebels and shall not be rewarded when he obeys. Here, parents should make him understand that there is a suitable punishment and reward.

6. He may not be able to carry out the thing requested from him. Here, parents should not burden him with what he cannot do.

7. The means required to carry out the things requested from him may not be available to him.