What are the fatal consequences of perversions?


One of the most important issues that the youths face, and method of prevention of the untainted and treatment of the tainted!

In the preceding chapter, we mentioned some live examples to show how perversion and addiction to some of sexual aberrations can change the youths to a feeble, abject, hopeless, retarded and a sick being to the extent of “insanity” and “death”.

Unfortunately, at our time, called by some as “the time of sexy affairs”, many idle writers try to represent the perversions of youths as something insignificant, and sometimes for satisfaction of perverted people, introduce it as a necessity of life and one of the requisites of youth period!

As we know, a group of people too have made it a means for their “illegal business”, and look everywhere for hot sexy subjects and preparing provocative photos, and do not spare any life!

For instance, recently in a magazine called “women”, a so-called shocking news item was published, which as the writer says: “It has astonished all Europe!” It was about a lady who had announced in a newspaper that she was looking for a ladylove for her husband?!

They select news, which is most probably developed by themselves, as an effective promotional means for increasing circulation of their magazine. Now, what is the result of publishing such news with so much embroidery for the society, except scandal and perversion?

Even some sociologists, psychologists and physicians are not excluded from this “sexual wave” and try to represent it as natural and harmless.

A group of people, who believe in the painful and ill consequences of licentiousness, talk about prevention of these issues in such a way that it does not help to solve the problem and treat the afflicted. Rather it teaches the perverted ways they did not know before, and increases their perversion!

All these factors have caused the issue of sexual perversion to become an extremely complicated and a terrible problem such that it is not possible to eradicate it easily. It calls for attention, budget and precise plans.

Harms of masturbation

However, the youths shall tear the curtains of ignorance and malefaction covering the most sensitive facts concerned with them through their wisdom and intellect, and instead of escaping from perception of reality and resorting to subjects with no effect except narcotization and perversion of their thoughts. They shall review the sensible and clear realities and see the end of these fatal perversions with their own eyes.

First, we narrate the testimony of some physicians and researchers who have investigated such issues. Then, we will analyse the psychological and social causes of sexual perversions, and afterwards we will describe the way of eradication of these shameful addictions.

A famous physician narrates the observations of a number of physicians in his book on the harms of the shameful habit of masturbation as follows:

Hofeman says: I saw a 23-year-old young man addicted to this evil habit since the age of 15.
He had become so weak that his eyes were too feeble even to read a book. He had headache and was hysterical. He was dizzying like a drunken and he felt a deep pain in his eyes.

Observations of Dr. Huotchinson prove that most diseases related to the genital system, retina and choroids are caused by masturbation. (Pay attention).

The said writer adds: The first result of this heinous addiction is that eyes become weak, the face loses its colour. The former smartness and acuity is not found in their sights. A grey circle surrounds their eyes. Then, weakness and sloth is observed in different organs.

Forgetfulness, lack of appetite, indigestion, asthma, envy, grief and boredom, melancholia, seclusion and loneliness are among the ill consequences of this perversion.

The physician adds in his book, that this heinous deed causes anaemia, weakening of physical and spiritual power, vertigo, imagining voices and noises, backache, forgetfulness, anorexia, weakness and indolence, and in brief general debility, in particular in the eyes and ears. (Pay attention)

Addiction to this heinous sexual perversion decreases resistance of body against diseases, and according to him:

Those afflicted with this heinous habit cannot escape death easily after contracting one of the acute diseases.

Then, he quotes from one of the writers:
I knew a young man afflicted with this heinous practice. Once, he was suffering from a feverish disease. On the sixth day when he had become very weak, he could not stop his malefaction. Then, death embraced him!

He also narrates:
One of those afflicted somehow with this heinous practice, felt gradual and increasing weakness. He was losing weight and suffering from backache. Continuation of this practice resulted in paralysis, and after six months of lying down in bed, he passed away pitifully.

Affliction with this heinous habit is very dangerous for the wounded and those who are operated.

To summarize, according to the same specialist, this heinous sexual perversion, hated both from medical and religious point of view, results in atrophy and weakens the spirits of man.

However, the harms of such perversion are too many to be included here. One of its most horrible dangers is that the disastrous practice is not controllable at all, and will power weakens with its increasing development. It develops into such a strange extreme way that it transgresses any limitation and violates any boundary.

It is true that any sort of excess in sexual affairs, even in the legitimate way (through marriage) may cause numerous dangers, but apart from the basic differences between natural and unnatural satiation of this instinct (which will be explained later), the situation is not always prepared for its legitimate and natural satiation. While, this heinous practice does not require special conditions, and so it penetrates and roots dangerously into life of the afflicted.

Taking into account the above facts and the vital importance of this issue on the destiny and future of the youths in physical, mental, moral, social and religious point of view, it is necessary for all the youths to note exactly all the points we mention for “prevention” from these hateful habits.

The afflicted shall know that it is never too late to quit this malefaction. First of all, “decision” and then exact observation of the instructions which will be mentioned in the coming pages of this book is necessary. After studying this program, it would not be difficult to quit these habits.

