
What is the philosophy behind the prohibition of Masturbation in Islam?

youthIn Islamic rulings, “Masturbation” is known as Haram and forbidden act and one of the greatest sins.

Imam Sadiq peace be upon him said:

“Allah, on the day of judgment will not talk to three persons and will not look at them mercifully … and one of them is the one who has committed masturbation in the this world.”

There are a lot of harms and dangers for the one who commits masturbation, like:

1) The physical consequences, like:

-It weakens the power of sight.

-It reduces the physical powers.

-It causes inability in reproduction.

-It causes the premature aging.

-It weakens the joints.

-It causes the hands to shake.

-It causes the face to be ugly and makes the freshness of the committer removed.

-It causes the body to be so much sensitive and weak for accepting different illnesses.

-It leads to anemia.

2) The mental consequences, like:

-It causes the power of memory to be weak.

-It causes the distraction and anxiety.

-It causes the committer to be isolated and away from the society.

-It causes the depression and not enjoying from the life.

-It causes the committer to be out of mood and aggressive.

-It causes the neurasthenia.

And it weakens the willpower.

3) Social consequences, like:

-It makes the person to be reluctant to his/her spouse.

-It makes the person unable to have (successful) intercourse with the opposite sex.

-It makes the person to be indifferent about the relation of his/her spouse with others (if there is any).

-It causes the marriages to be delayed and not enjoying from the life after marriage.

And a lot of other harms can be created through masturbation.

It might be asked that what is the difference between masturbation and autoerotism which the person gets satisficed in dream?

We answer this question that the orgasm in dream is a natural way for discharge of semen and when the bag of semen gets full, this state happens and it has no harm for the person.

The autoerotism is not like the masturbation which is an imperfect orgasm, because of being an unreal and false way of orgasm, because in such an orgasm, the committer tries to turn him/herself on, through imagination or looking at the sexual senses etc. so the mentioned above harms for the masturbation are not created through orgasm in dream.

But it must be said and remembered that we are not allowed to get disappointed from the ocean of the mercy and kindness of Allah, so if someone committed this sin, he/she must know (as we have mentioned in an independent discussion regarding Toabah and repenting to Allah) that it is mentioned in the Islamic sources that the sin of getting disappointed from the mercy and forgiving of Allah is greater than the sin of masturbation.

At the end let me mention very briefly some advices for those who cannot get married now, in order to be able to control their need of sexual matters:

-Being away from the scenes or the environments or friends or everything that make them think of sexual matters which lead to that great sin.

-Being busy with the healthy businesses like sport, reading beneficial books etc.

-Being in the environments that make them remember Allah, like in the religious gatherings, and with the righteous friends.

-Being in contact with Allah and the infallibles i.e. the holy Prophet of Islam and his immaculate progeny.

-Going to the toilet before going to bed.

-If they are not tired and ready to sleep, they are better not to go to bed and it is better to make themselves busy with good things like reading the book in order to get tired and ready to falling asleep.


-And the last but not the least, asking from Allah sincerely to help them to be away from this very great sin.

