
Significant Advice for Mothers

Significant-Advice-for-MothersImam Ja’far al-Sadiq (a.s.) has advised mothers that they should put their new born babies to sleep on their left side.

For centuries this advice was considered by many as meaningless and absurd since no one could see any use in putting babies to sleep on the left side of mothers. Some people even went to the extent of remarking that it was dangerous to carry out his instructions. Mothers may take a turn while sleeping and crush the baby to death. No one in the East or West took that advice seriously. Even during the Renaissance period, when scholars in Europe studied every theory critically, no one tried to find out whether it had a scientific basis.

In 1865, Ezra Cornell founded the Cornell University in NYK. In this university he set up under the department of medicine, an institute for the Research on New Born and Suckling Babies. A research scholar of this institute who travelled to different parts of the world, observed that mothers in every country carried their babies in the left arms.

Doctors in this institute observed that babies who are put to sleep on the left side of their mothers sleep more soundly and peacefully but those who are put on the right side, wake up every now and then and cry. It was reported that for the first few days after their birth, babies would have no rest at all, if they are not on the left side of their mothers.

After the invention of holography, holographic pictures of unborn babies were taken which revealed that the mother’s heartbeat reached the ears of the baby in the womb. Experiments were made of different mammals to find out the reaction of the foetus. All experiments showed that whenever the heart of the mother stopped beating, the foetus became restless and agitated, because it feeds on the blood, which comes to it with each and every heartbeat.

These experiments proved that unborn babies are not only used to hearing their mother’s heartbeat, but their very existence depends upon them. Heartbeats mean to them a constant supply of food. Stoppage of heartbeats signals starvation and death. They depend so much upon the heartbeat that even after they are born, they become restless, if they do not hear it. A new-born knows its mother’s heartbeat quite well and that is why it sleeps comfortably and peacefully, when it is on the left side of the mother and can hear the heartbeats clearly.

If the Cornell University had not been established and the research work on babies was not done, no one would ever have realised the scientific importance of the advice of the Imam that mothers should put their babies to sleep on their left side.

Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) was ahead of his time by 1,100 years. Indeed he had access to Ilm Ladunni (divine knowledge).

Twelve significant points that you should know about intercession/2

The word of Shafa’a is derived from the root of Sha-Fa-‘A meaning “to append or join something to another”.[1] Shafi’ [intercessor] is called so because they join one to themselves and provide him/her with what he/she lacks and thus rescue him/her.

Shafa’a in religious terminology means “a creature’s mediation between God and another creature in delivering the good or driving away the evil whether in this world or in the hereafter.” Shafa’a means to make a change in the sinner so that he becomes non-deserved for receiving punishment and exclude him from the law of punishment; like repentance makes a wrongdoer non-deserved for punishment and makes him deserved for receiving God’s forgiveness. “There is no Shafi’ [intercessor] more rescuing than repentance.”[2]

Shafa’a has a close relation with Tawassul [invocation]: Tawassul is the act of one who takes refuge to an Infallible one (a) and asks him for intercession and thus Shafa’a is the act of the Infallible (a) who asks God to forgive that wrongdoer.

Believing in Shafa’a also exists in other divine religions such as Judaism and Christianity.[3]
1)Ibn Manzur, Lisan al-‘arab, vol.15

2)Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.6 p.19

3)New Catholic Encyclopedia, vol.7 p.519-520

Twelve significant points that you should know about intercession/1

Shafa’a [intercession]  is a religious act, all Muslims and followers of divine religions believe in. Shafa’a means that on the Day of Judgment, friends of God and some holy entities such as the Qur’an, with some conditions, intercede for some wrong-doers and rescue them from hellfire or cause the promotion of some people. Among Muslims, Wahhabis believe that only God can be asked for Shafa’a and if someone asks others for Shafa’a (especially after their demise), he is a polytheist. Belief in Shafa’a has a special position among Shi’a.