The Top Six Healthy Nutritional Habits in Islam(2)

The-Top-Six-Healthy-Nutritional-Habits-in-IslamEating with Washed, Wet Hands

Washing hands before meals is yet another concept in Islam and many other religions. Further admonition is not to dry our hands and proceed to eat with wet hands. This concept is now clear because if we were to wash our hands and then dry them with a tissue/towel, we are likely to introduce low charge energy into the energy fields of our hand. This towel is normally used for many other purposes and by different people, or even tissue/towel that is clean but filled with faults from the surrounding air, or the universal energy. The unadulterated and pure info-energy of water would also be contaminated or at least altered with the info-energy in the towel. Therefore, to eat with those hands may be unhealthy.

The Prophet (S) was also observed to draw his wet hands over his face whenever he washed his hands after eating (al-Majlisi, 1627). To maintain the higher kind of energy purity, one needs to avoid contact with towels or tissues after washing hands before eating. Physical contact with the bacteria and viruses in towels and tissues is also something to consider and the reason why many organizations including many religions advise the washing of hands before eating, but Muslims have been further recommended to refrain from drying their hands until contact with food is made.
A case in point, Muslims have also been recommended not to dry themselves after performing ablution for prayer. The higher rate of vibrations in the energy fields of the person having performed ablution should remain until the start of prayer. Water has the ability to do just that.

In modern bathrooms, there are blow-driers located (instead of tissue) and this is a much better way to dry ones hands.

 From a nutritional point of view:
Everything we do to our food changes its subtle electrical reality, its electrical matrix and how it interfaces with our body. (Heistand and Coleman, 1999)

If we eat junk food, food that has been sprayed and preserved, food that has been flavored or frozen, these foods will have confusing energy that has been adulterated, and by eating these foods we will be developing faults in our network of energy. The results of such insults to over-eating and eating preserved foods are chronic fatigue, intestinal disorders, stomach ulcers, and so forth – all because of an electrically and chemically unstable stomach brought about by our improper ingestion of food or over-eating. Islam, therefore, has advised its followers to abstain from junk food (though the religion has not made these foods forbidden), sprayed and preserved foods, etc. – foods that are un-natural.
In Elixir of Love, one of the Shaykh Rajab Ali’s devotees related about him that the Shaykh was once holding a session in one of his friends’ house. Before starting his talk, he felt somehow weak due to hunger and asked for some bread. The householder brought him half a loaf of bread for him to eat, and then he started the meeting. The following night he said:

Last night I made salutations to the holy Imams (AS) but I did not see them. I pleaded to find the reason. I was told intuitively, You had half of that food and the hunger alleviated. Why then did you eat the other half! Having some food enough for body’s need is all right, but extra to that would cause veil and darkness.