Twelve significant points that you should know about intercession/1

Shafa’a [intercession]  is a religious act, all Muslims and followers of divine religions believe in. Shafa’a means that on the Day of Judgment, friends of God and some holy entities such as the Qur’an, with some conditions, intercede for some wrong-doers and rescue them from hellfire or cause the promotion of some people. Among Muslims, Wahhabis believe that only God can be asked for Shafa’a and if someone asks others for Shafa’a (especially after their demise), he is a polytheist. Belief in Shafa’a has a special position among Shi’a.

What were the important events of the other years after Hijrah? part 40


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Did the proohet start any battle? part 39


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I would like you to recap the wars that the holy prophet had, up to the second year of Hijrah?part 38


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Is there any quranic evidence about legislation of defensive Jihad? part 37


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Is there any quranic evidence about legislation of defensive Jihad?part 36


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What important events can be named in the second year of prophet’s migration? part 35


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What can be the duty of those who have already been saying prayers in front the previous Ghiblah?part 34


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What was the reason of changing the Ghiblah?part 33


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What was the reason of changing the Ghiblah? part 32


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