Five steps to choose a spouse in Islam

Five-steps-to-choose-a-spouse-in-IslamThere is no certain way of proposal or choosing a spouse in Islam. Each of the male and the female can propose to another, but normally in many societies the male is the one who does the proposal. However, it the case of ‘aqd the female (or her lawyer) starts reading the first part of sigha which should be followed by reading the second part by the groom (or his lawyer).

Some Criteria

Although, people are free about how to choose their spouse, but there are some criteria mentioned in hadiths which suggest a way for finding a proper person to marry with. These criteria are as follows:

  1. being religious, not only in words, but also in practice. Especially it is forbidden to marry someone who drinks alcohol or commits adultery.
  2. being good-tempered. There is a narration about someone who asked Imam Ali b. Musa al-Rida (a): “someone proposed to my daughter but he is bad-tempered. Should I agree with their marriage?” Imam (a) replied: “If he is so, do not agree”.
  3. family honor.
  4. kufwiyya (similarity) It’s been said that the more the couples are similar in their characteristics, the stronger their marriage bond will be.
  5. drug addiction has been also considered as a factor which makes a person not being a good choice as a spouse.

There are also some other factors relating to one’s taste or status, but they fall into the second category of importance, such as beauty, similarity in race, financial status and so on.

Significant Advice for Mothers

Significant-Advice-for-MothersImam Ja’far al-Sadiq (a.s.) has advised mothers that they should put their new born babies to sleep on their left side.

For centuries this advice was considered by many as meaningless and absurd since no one could see any use in putting babies to sleep on the left side of mothers. Some people even went to the extent of remarking that it was dangerous to carry out his instructions. Mothers may take a turn while sleeping and crush the baby to death. No one in the East or West took that advice seriously. Even during the Renaissance period, when scholars in Europe studied every theory critically, no one tried to find out whether it had a scientific basis.

In 1865, Ezra Cornell founded the Cornell University in NYK. In this university he set up under the department of medicine, an institute for the Research on New Born and Suckling Babies. A research scholar of this institute who travelled to different parts of the world, observed that mothers in every country carried their babies in the left arms.

Doctors in this institute observed that babies who are put to sleep on the left side of their mothers sleep more soundly and peacefully but those who are put on the right side, wake up every now and then and cry. It was reported that for the first few days after their birth, babies would have no rest at all, if they are not on the left side of their mothers.

After the invention of holography, holographic pictures of unborn babies were taken which revealed that the mother’s heartbeat reached the ears of the baby in the womb. Experiments were made of different mammals to find out the reaction of the foetus. All experiments showed that whenever the heart of the mother stopped beating, the foetus became restless and agitated, because it feeds on the blood, which comes to it with each and every heartbeat.

These experiments proved that unborn babies are not only used to hearing their mother’s heartbeat, but their very existence depends upon them. Heartbeats mean to them a constant supply of food. Stoppage of heartbeats signals starvation and death. They depend so much upon the heartbeat that even after they are born, they become restless, if they do not hear it. A new-born knows its mother’s heartbeat quite well and that is why it sleeps comfortably and peacefully, when it is on the left side of the mother and can hear the heartbeats clearly.

If the Cornell University had not been established and the research work on babies was not done, no one would ever have realised the scientific importance of the advice of the Imam that mothers should put their babies to sleep on their left side.

Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) was ahead of his time by 1,100 years. Indeed he had access to Ilm Ladunni (divine knowledge).

Top seven things Islam Forbids for Women

Top seven things Islam Forbids for Women

Forbid, it means a command not to do anything, but this word is often thought of in negative terms. Forbidden means something which you are not supposed to do, you must not do, you should not do or you have not been allowed to do. But why are we often forbidden from doing certain things? Why we have to avoid certain things? because they are not good for us, because they are not meant for us, because we are not meant for it. The person who forbids us from doing a particular task always has a valid reason for ceasing us, because that person does not want to us to get hurt or upset therefore he/she tries his/her best to protect us.

Islam is a very massive, vast and easy religion, only if one understands & applies the rules of Islam on his/her life completely, Islam gives complete freedom to humans in almost in the spheres of life, but yes there are certain things which are not allowed in Islam for Muslims. There is this misconception that Islam is conservative religion, that Islam has limited the Muslims, that Islam has slowed down their pace, those who have such a belief have yet not seen the depth of Islam. Islam gives an insight about all the frequencies of life, the rules & regulation in Islam are based on utter logic, induction, coherence, sanity and syllogistics.

1-Marrying non-Muslim men:
A Muslim women is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim man, she can only marry Muslim man. Such an order has been given from Allah because in Islam the women follow the religion of the husband therefore if Muslim woman marries a non-Muslim man she won’t remain a Muslim anymore. A Muslim man is allowed to marry non-Muslim women but that women should be either Christian or Jew or should follow a holy book.

2-Physical interaction with men:
hysical interaction between man and a woman is not allowed in Islam, you are not allowed to interact (touch) any other man or woman except your own spouses, this scenario is applied for both the genders. A woman is not allowed to indulge with any men rather than her own husband. Communication is allowed to only to a certain extent. It is well suited that a man should hangout with men and a woman should hang out with women, by doing it so it would not allow the birth of any un moral thought in the hearts of men and women.
3-Soft corner for na-mehrum:
A Muslim woman should not have a soft corner for any na-mehrum; na-mehrum refers to those men who are not a relative by birth or blood. A woman can have a soft corner for her father, husband, and brother but not for any men outside her family. Having a soft corner is also a kind of emotion, and the emotions of a Muslim woman are very much sacred. No leisure man is worth her care & attention.

 4-Fitted and cleavage clothes:
Allah orders the women to cover their ornaments and not to wear cleavage clothes. The curves of a woman are the private parts of the body, then they become the victim of the dirty stares of men, they generate malicious ideas and ruin the reputation of that woman in the eye of men. Therefore a Muslim woman has been asked not to wear much fitted clothes; her clothing must cover all the body parts properly.
5-Eye-contact with men:
It is said that the eyes of a person reflects his true personality. Being able to see is one of the biggest blessing of God, but with your eyes you can see all the good things as well as bad things. Islam does not allow doing any kind of eye contact with men because this contact is the first step to all the unethical feelings. Even if you want to speak to men then you communicate through the door or the window but the women must not come face to face with a na-mehrum man. A Muslim woman is very respectable and not everyone can have the pleasure seeing her.

Islam forbids a woman to wear any such thing which can divert the attention of men towards her, stuff such as perfumes, makeup, jewels or very fancy clothes. No men would look at a woman who is completely covered but at an uncovered woman people would definitely slant looks. Perfumes have a very strong smell, if a person wearing perfume will enter a room, every person present would notice that person, similarly if a woman wearing perfume passes by then she will divert all the attention towards herself. A woman is not an object for exhibition but a symbol of respect.

7-Disobedience of husband:
A married woman is not allowed to disobey her husband. It is said the Muslims are only allowed to prostrate ( sajda) in front of almighty Allah but if it was allowed for a woman to prostrate in front of anyone else rather than Allah, then it would have been definitely her husband. A woman is never supposed to go against her husband’s will, the satisfaction & happiness of her husband is most important for her, she must not displease him and must not do anything to offend him. She should be a faithful wife and must not cheat on him. Furthermore a woman is supposed to take care of all the basis needs of her husband.

Seven things Which Strengthen The Marriage

Strengthen The Marriage

1) Good Attitude – A Muslim must always have a positive attitude toward life. We say, “Al Hamdulillah” (Praise be to Allah) for whatever He gives us (or doesn’t give us).

2) Worship – connection with Allah through ritual of prayer, petition and peace while moving together in the salat is something a non-Muslim can never really appreciate. Our prophet, peace be upon him, used to lead his wife in salat, even though he lived connected to the mosque. He told us not to make our homes like grave yards. We should offer some of our sunnah prayers at home. A sister gains the most rewards at home, in her room, behind a screen

3) Trust – Muslims, men and women are ordered to be trustworthy and follow the example of our prophet, peace be upon him, as the “Trustworthy”.

4) Respect – You get respect, when you give respect. This is mandatory for all Muslims toward all people, how much more toward the spouse?

5) Good Attitude – A Muslim must always have a positive attitude toward life. We say, “Al Hamdulillah” (Praise be to Allah) for whatever He gives us (or doesn’t give us)

6) Forgiveness – Clearly, this is one of the most important aspects of Islam. Whoever does not forgive – will not be forgiven. This comes from Allah, Himself. We must learn to forgive each other’s mistakes so we won’t it against us.

7) Time – Spend time, alone – together. Go for walks. Take a bus ride. Visit a friend or someone who is ill (you get big rewards for that). Fast together on Mondays & Thursdays if you can. Make hajj – this is a great way to get a “new start” on life. Trust me.

Seven things Which Weaken The Marriage

Divorce concept

1)  Leaving the worship – Allah will never be pleased with someone who leaves His guidance and does not worship Him. This will cause Muslim families serious problems and even to split up, faster than anything.

2) Ignore – not replying back to the “salams” or giving each other the good ear to listen and share.

3) Lying – Allah forbids the believers to lie. There is no room in Islam for liars, and may Allah save us from this evil, ameen.

4) Breaking Promises – Keeping a trust is also an important characteristic of a believer.

5) Avoiding Contact – You hug the brothers at the mosque, but what about a “little hug” with your wife? Come on, you can do it.

6) Suspicion & Backbiting – Allah says, “O believers, avoid much suspicion. Certainly suspicion is sinful. And don’t spy or backbite each other. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother. You would hate it. Fear Allah’s punishment. For sure Allah is the Acceptor of repentance, The Merciful.” [Quran 49: 12]

7) Too Busy – Take time for each other. You have rights on each other. Give everyone their rights and you will be given your rights.


Seven Tips To Be A Successful (Muslim) Spouse

Successful (Muslim) Spouse

1-Be Pleasing To Each Other – After what pleases Allah, always seek to please your spouse, this is your key to Jennah.

Sisters: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us that any woman who dies in a state that her husband is pleased with her, she shall enter Paradise. So, try your best to please him (even when you think it is not worth it – it is still worth it)

Brothers: Did you read the way our prophet, peace be upon him, dealt with his family? Wake Up! You must follow his way in helping with cooking, cleaning and taking care of your own clothes (he did it, you can do it too)

 2-Do not get Angry – Arguments a fire in your home – put out the fire as fast as possible. Our prophet, peace be upon him, said, “Do not become angry! Do not become angry! Do not become angry!”And he told us anger is from the devil (shayton) and the shayton runs through your body like your blood when you become angry.

Sisters: You already know men have a hard time admitting they are wrong. In fact, some men refuse to say it, and this is very dangerous for them, but also for you too. Be careful not to force the issues with him when he is upset. Treat him like the baby that he is imitating. Really, just take it easy and keep your cool. Allah will reward you and inshallah, Allah will guide your husband back on track.

Brothers: You know you are not perfect. Come on now, admit it and get it over with. Say, “I am sorry”. You can be the one to extinguish the fire of shayton in your home with a simple ‘I’m sorry’ even if you think it is not your fault.
When you fight back, you are only adding wood to the fire. Watch how sweetly an argument will end when you just say sincerely, “Look, I’m sorry. Let it go.”

3-Say, “Thank you” to your spouse constantly for the nice things done nicely.
Sisters: Prophet, peace be upon him, taught us; “Whoever does not thank the people, does not thank Allah“. So, just go ahead and say, “Thanks honey” and even add “Good job” or “Well done”. This is one of the most important techniques. Remember ungratefulness (opposite) is a characteristic of the people of hellfire. May Allah save all of us from that, ameen.

Brothers: When was the last time you said, “Thank you honey” to your wife for cleaning house, washing clothes, ironing, bathing the children, taking them to school, teaching them things? You say, “But she does that every day” — And that is the point! She is doing this day after day – But where is the pay? Give her something to make her feel worthwhile, say it!

4-Dress up for each other and look sharp. Islam encourages us to look and act our best in front of everyone, especially loved ones.

Sisters: Wear nice jewelry and dress-up at home for your husband. From the early years, young girls adorned themselves with earrings and bracelets and wore nice dresses – as described in the Qur’an. As a wife, you should continue to use the jewelry and the nice dresses for your husband.

Brothers: Do you think only sisters need to “dress-up”? What about our prophet, peace be upon him? He wore his nicest clothes, he even made sure to wash his own garments. And what about smells? You know how important fragrance is. Don’t ever let her smell your stinky sweat. She smells nice for you, so at least put on nice fragrance for her – you do it at the mosque, right?

5-Be like the people of Paradise – Act right, think right and look right (try this tip today)

Sisters: Do you know about the characteristics of the Hoor Al-Ayn(women of paradise)? Islam describes these women with certain characteristics. They wear silk, have beautiful, dark eyes, etc. Here are some ideas: Try it, wear silk for your husband, put eye make-up for your eyes to ‘enlarge’ them, and be sweet to your husband.

Where are your spouses going to get the fine silk dresses, provocative lingerie, sweet fragrance and makeup? Quran tells us (Surah 4, verse 34 – above) You are the one responsible to provide – so get with it and start providing.

6-Spread “Peace” amongst yourselves. This is in Islam for sure. The Quran talks about it, and our prophet, peace be upon him, said, “You will not enter Paradise until you believe and you will not believe, until you love each another. Shall I direct you to the way to love each other? Spread the “salams” (peace) between you.” – narrated by Abu Hurairah

Sisters: When your spouse comes home, give each other the most wonderful greeting of a Muslim – “Salam alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatahu” Peace, Blessings and Mercy of Allah be to you, (and remember to smile).

Brothers: You give the “salams” to everyone you see, even brothers you just met. In fact, you are careful to give anyone you just met good salams – right? But what about your wife? The mother of your children? The one who is making dua for you every day and night? Do you give the proper salams to her, when you should? Entering and leaving the house? When you enter or leave a room?

7-Smile – It costs nothing and buys everything! Who can resist a nice, big, happy smile? It even makes me smile to think about it.

Sisters: Our prophet, peace be upon him, taught us; The smile in the face of our fellow Muslim is an act of charity. So you can keep peace in your family, make a sweet feeling in your home, get rewarded by Allah and maybe even a nice smile back.
Think how your husband would feel if he came in and found your nice clean home, his wife looking nicely dressed and made up for him, a nice dinner prepared with care, children cleaned up and welcoming him home. It really does help, even if he doesn’t say so.

Brothers: When was the last time you smiled at your wife? Can you recall the last time you brought home some flowers, chocolates, a small gift (nothing wrong with a nice of jewelry brother)?

seven secrets to Be a Successful Wife


1-Be the best wife you can be. Being a good Muslim wife is in many ways similar to being a good wife in other religions. Sure it has its own special features and requirements, just like any other religion. However, there are common basic methods and guidelines for being a good wife in general. Follow them.

2-Pray regularly. Always ask Allah for forgiveness and blessings on your marriage.

3-Understand and respect your husband and his rights. Study authentic haadith and make sure that you understand your obligations as a wife as well as understand your rights. In Islam, a good wife is expected to be honest, sincere and cognizant of her husband’s needs. At the same time her husband must respect her, fulfill her needs and even help her in household chores

4-Don’t expect the moon. He needs to keep trying, you need to keep trying, but neither of you is perfect. Unmet expectations tend to frustrate everyone. However, if you both keep working on your marriage, you will always be covered, even when one of you comes up a little short. If your expectations are truly too high or unrealistic, then set standards that are obtainable. For example, it is unfair to expect to be lavished with possessions and have the love of your life home for every meal. Should you want more together time, be prepared to have that desire fulfilled at some expense

5-8Accept him. Only by accepting him as he is, do you have such deep respect and gratitude for him that you would never want him to change in any way for you. He has so much to offer you if only you give him the space to be himself. He is a growing individual, just like you are. Help him grow in the direction that he chooses, and give him the chance to help you

6-Race to the door when he comes home, as if you were waiting for him. Smile, hug and kiss him.

7-Stay with him during hard time. He will need his wife to listen to him, comfort him and give him the strength. Don’t be selfish

Seven significant means of anger


1-Anger is a secret weapon of man towards of evils but sometimes its result’s in the destruction of many noble qualities. It snatches away the wisdom of man and thus he becomes a brute beast devoid of any sense.
2-Anger is a temptation of shaytaan and deception of shaytaan
3-Anger is the root of all evils.
4-Anger is a spark of fire that are always bursting.
5-Anger is a very bad condition that weakens the person Iman (FAITH)
The meaning of anger is a rage fierce, displeasure, passion excited by a sense of wrong , physical pain, inflammation, mad, hot tempered, choleric, inflamed, A violent passion excited by real or supposed injury.
6-Anger is the strong feeling caused by extreme displeasure.
7-Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure and hostility.

Seven Powerful Points to Avoid Anger


A man came to the Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) and asked him  for advice. He said:

7 Powerful Tips to Avoid Anger

“Do not become angry.” The man repeated his request for advice, and each time, the Prophet replied with this one phrase that sums up all good attitudes and behavior: “Do not become angry.”

While you may not be able to avoid people’s anger and aggressive attitudes, you can surely deal with such situations in a wise and productive manner.
Anger can be like a fire. And you can’t possibly combat fire by another spark of fire, or pouring fuel onto it – this would result in a massive fire that would swallow everybody, including yourself. Whereas pouring water onto fire will curb it, if not end it entirely. Having a calm, tolerant temper can combat anger like water extinguishes fire.

Reacting calmly and tolerantly to an angry situation might first seem passive – but who cares! If you want to just add fuel to the fire, the situation will probably spiral out of control and end up in a fight of unpredictable magnitude.
I agree that being a calm, tolerant person does require a lot of self-discipline, which is normally “difficult”.
Here are some time-tested tips for averting anger:

1. You have to understand that anger is not a matter of power or ability.
“The strong man is not the one who can wrestle, but it is the one who can control himself when he is angry.

2. Regard anger as an infection
Keep due distance from those ill-tempered people, regardless of the extent of their anger and the reason behind it. Don’t react in a manner that will signal hatred. Doing so will probably just exacerbate the anger and exasperate the situation.

3. Feel free to delay your reaction
It won’t bruise your dignity nor tarnish your image. You can end your presence in this situation. Whether physically or if it’s a phone conversation, or a virtual presence with chatting, and react later when you’re mentally ready to deal positively with the situation.

4. Keep the interest of the Muslim community in mind.

5. React with a calming statement.
For example, “I understand how you feel, I know you must be angry, etc. Try and avert the angered person from thoughts that continue to anger them.
6. A few kind words can have a surprising effect.
Reverting the whole situation into a pleasant tone will help lessen tensions. On the other hand, harsh words trigger retaliation. Watch your words because they can set the tone for an entire situation.

7. Don’t become that person.
If you hate the attitude of the person who’s angry, know that reacting in a harsh manner will render you pretty much similar to him/her, so you’d better be careful.
Be strong and make your calm manner contain the situation. Be wise. Self-control is cornerstone to curbing people’s anger.

Remember that our beloved Prophet  never took revenge over a personal matter.

It is narrated that “The Prophet never took revenge for his own sake, but if the laws of Allah were violated, he would take revenge for the sake of Allah.”

Remain wise and apply the virtue of patience, which is your key tool to avert aggressive and anger attitudes.

Remember, the relationships and attitudes you cultivate within your life will impact your productivity.

So remain positive and avoid negativity!