Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi explains the dangers facing Islamic society

Rasa News Agency reports – Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi has spoken to a gathering of Basiji professors and elites of the Islamic Seminary in the Holy City of Mashhad about the dangers facing Islamic society.


His Eminence explained that the clergy must be visibly present in society and said: “To stand up against the slogans of the ‘Westoxified,’ we must protect our strongholds [the clergy].”


He referred to plans to build a healthy work environment in some offices in Tehran and to integrate genders and stated: “Some workplaces in Tehran are preparing to remove [gender] separation in their offices. In order to create a commotion, some of them have said: ‘there should not be gender separation!’ We ask these people ‘what sin is the separation of the genders?’”


The renowned source of emulation explained that in Iranian society and in religious gatherings, men and women are separated from each other and if they were separated in the workplace than there should be no problems. “Those who are against separation say: ‘This is an offence.’ We say: ‘What is an offence? It is an offence to the Westoxified,” His Eminence stated.


Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi said that some people have been against Islamic cultural programs, and stated: “The first group to stand against the Islamic cultural programs were those who despite having accepted Islam, were negligent people, and disregarded [Islamic rules on] issues such as banking and separation of the genders. The second group of people were those who acted indifferently toward their religious duties and believed only that they should advance their political goals. The third group are those who fulfill their religious duties, but were against the Islamic system of government.”


“As Islamic culture strengthens, these types of people become more disheartened and wish to stop the progress of the Islamic system. It is the duty of the Basij members to oppose these three groups because if they are successful, they will be able to challenge the Islamic system,” he added.


On another note, he encouraged the building of a new seminary in Mashhad in order to teach Islamic sciences to strengthen the ethical foundations of society so that the people can stand against those who want to weaken the Islamic system.


He also warned the youth against being indifferent toward religion, stating it is the religious youth and the Basij who will defend the Islamic Republic of Iran if it is attacked by the enemies, not those indifferent toward religion. Thus, we need to protect the Organization for the Mobilization of the Oppressed (Basij) as it is they who will protect Islamic Iran.


“The enemies are afraid of our religious beliefs. Islam is our weapon. In order to protect the Quran, Islam, the Islamic system and our country, the people must strive for unity and consistent and organized programs to counter the enemies with strength and power,” Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi explained.

