Ayatollah Tabatabaei-Nejad condemns Israeli bombardment of Gaza in Friday prayer sermon in Esfahan

Rasa News Agency – In his Friday prayer sermon in Esfahan, Ayatollah Sayyed Yousef Tabatabaei-Nejad, the representative of the Supreme Leader (Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei) in the province of Esfahan, noted that Israel is an enemy of Islam and the Islamic Republic of Iran, and said: “We must congratulate all Muslims and freedom seekers that Israel has been defeated for the third time!”


He pointed out that Israel has killed almost 2,000 people in the Gaza Strip and injured almost 10,000, most of whom were children and women, saying: “The number of [Hamas] soldiers wounded or martyred by the Zionist bombardment has been very low. The Gaza Strip is very densely populated, and Israel has mostly bombed civilians.” 


The Friday prayer leader in Esfahan said that the illegitimate Zionist entity has been defeated in the war and that thousands of people in more than 120 countries protested against the atrocities of the Zionist regime. “Israel has lost its reputation in the world and now the name of Israel is listed as a war criminal around the world,” he said.


Ayatollah Tabatabaei-Nejad explained that reverse migration has occurred in Israel as Jews from around the world have immigrated to Palestine and Palestinians were evicted or forced to leave their lands. He also stated that the Zionist war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu promised to solve the “Gaza situation” with the hope of completely destroying the Gaza Strip. He started the present war with the now-proven false excuse that three Israeli youth were killed by Hamas but they did not expect the Islamic Resistance to be so strong.


His Eminence expressed that the only path toward victory over Israel was resistance, stating “the resistance of the people of Gaza is a consequence of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and is also due to the victory of Hezbollah in the disproportionate 33-day Israeli war on Lebanon of 2006. Israel fought against a group of Hezbollah and killed them, but they still could not find a single rocket launcher used by the Resistance!”


In a message to the oppressed Palestinian people, he said: “Don’t be afraid of your lack of equipment and numbers! The Holy Quran says that there were many groups who were few in numbers but by the permission of God and by relying on His grace, these groups were victorious over much larger groups.”


Ayatollah Tabatabaei-Nejad then recited a Quranic verse from Surat al-Fussilat: “(As for) those who say: Our Lord is God, then continue in the right way, the angels descend upon them, saying: Fear not, nor be grieved, and receive good news of the garden which you were promised.” [41:30]


“In the first ten days of Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip, a third of Arab countries sought peace between Israel and Gaza but did not suggest a ceasefire. Israel could not prevent the rockets launched by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza. These rockets are able to reach almost every place in Israel,” the Representative of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in the province of Esfahan said in regard to Israel’s plan for the destruction of Gaza.

