Islamic organization appreciates Tehran for encouraging hijab and chastity

Rasa News Agency reports – Sayyed Ahmad Zargar, the secretary-general of the Organization for the Revival of Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Wrong, has sent a message to Dr Mohammad-Bagher Ghalibaf, the mayor of Tehran, wherein he mentioned the efforts of this organization to spread a culture of chastity and hijab.


According to Islamic law, enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong is the duty of all Muslims, but in addition to this, organizations have special duties in the Islamic Republic of Iran to enforce it for the betterment of society. The most important organization for the accomplishment of this important work is the Organization for the Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Wrong. This organization, which headed by Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, was established in 1993. It is aimed at encouraging good and spreading Islamic culture in society, as well as to monitor the activities of all government and non-government agencies, and among the population to enforce Islamic culture and ethics.


The following is the statement which was released:


Dear Mohammad-Bagher Ghalibaf, the Honourable Mayor of Tehran,

as-Salaamun Alaykum [Peace be upon you],


Respectfully, the protection and promotion of Islamic values and religious teachings and Quranic sciences were manifested by the light of guidance of the Last Prophet [Muhammad] and the Infallible Imams (peace and blessings of God be upon them). They demonstrated the path of salvation for those who seek the straight path.


It is the solemn duty of the conscientious authorities and the supportive managers of the sacred system of the Islamic Republic of Iran to pay homage to the veterans and the eternal martyrs of this land and to the proud and honourable people of Islamic Iran.


The recent action of the municipality of Tehran to restore the chastity and preserve the integrity and dignity of women employed in the municipality is an important step in the right direction which extends Islamic and human values.


I know it is necessary to announce my appreciation and thankfulness in regard to this wise decision and I request your continuity and endurance on the path to seek the satisfaction of God Almighty.


I pray for your success on the path of service to Islam and that God Almighty enhances your success.


Sayyed Ahmad Zargar,
Secretary-General of the Organization for the Revival of Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Wrong
6 August, 2014

