“Gaza is the front line of the Islamic world at the moment”

In a gathering discussing the current situation of the Islamic world, Hujjat al-Islam Ali-Reza Panahian spoke about the issue of Palestine, its importance and our responsibility towards the people of Gaza.


The respected teacher of the Islamic seminary stated: “The issue relating to the Israeli occupiers and the oppressed Palestinians is not an issue which is limited to a specific piece of land, namely the land of Palestine. There are other countries which are in the midst of grave atrocities and mass murders of one group over another, however, the subject of Israel is different from the rest.”


Highlighting the stance of the Islamic Republic and the wisdom of its leaders, the scholar said: “From the beginning of the revolution until now, the leaders of this revolution, Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Supreme Leader, have never side-lined the issue of Jerusalem and Israel and this is because this issue is by no means limited to one specific piece of land. The philosophy of the establishment of the occupying and criminal state of Israel was to drown this region and the Islamic world under the force of oppression and domination.”


Explaining the relationship between the atrocities being seen in the region and the issue of Palestine, Hujjat al-Islam Panahian explained: “Right now you can see that the Takfiri movement is getting its arms from Israel, the wounded from their terrorist operations are being treated in Israeli hospitals and some are even receiving their income directly from the Israelis. The puppets of imperialism in this region, the dictators who oppress their own people and have betrayed Islam, take all their orders from the command room of the Israeli regime.”


“We must not look at the issue of Israel and Palestine naively and think that Israel is only looking to occupy one specific piece of land. Israel has been embedded in this area to keep the Islamic world under dominance.”


At the end of this segment of his discussion, Hujjat al-Islam Panahian emphasized the importance of realizing the resistance in Gaza as the front line in the war against the Islam World. He stated: “Unfortunately this point is not highlighted much and that is that the Muslims and fighters of Gaza are on the front lines of the resistance against the main enemy of the Islamic world and it is the entire Islamic world that benefits from this resistance. If the resistance in Gaza did not exist then the resistance in Lebanon would stand in the face of the Israelis. If the Lebanese resistance did not exist then the country after them would have to resist until finally it would be the turn of Iran.”


The respected scholar concluded: “The current geographical limitations do not involve Iran or other nations physically in the battle, however, this means at the very least we need to what we can to aid the forces on the front lines, just like how America and other wicked western nations are supporting Israel on the other side of the fence.”


Source: Wilayah News