Ayatollah Fazel-Lankarani condemns Zionism and Takfirism on anniversary of destruction of al-Baqi’ Cemetery

Rasa News Agency reports – In an interview with Rasa News Agency, Ayatollah Mohammad-Javad Fazel-Lankarani, the chairman of the Jurisprudence Centre of the Pure Imams (A) in the holy city of Qom, spoke on the occasion of the eighth of the Islamic month of Shawwal, the sorrowful anniversary of the Wahhabi destruction of Jannat al-Baqi’ Cemetery in Madinah.


“Throughout history, the enemies have attempted to destroy the religion of Islam by many different ways. One of these ways is evident in their effort to create false sects which are outwardly Islamic but are aimed at deviating and inflicting blows on the religion,” His Eminence explained.


Ayatollah Fazel-Lankarani explained that the Infallible Imams (A) are role models for all people, saying: “By destroying Jannat al-Baqi, the enemies of the Shi’ah school of thought committed a crime which has no precedence in history. More than 80 years have passed since this crime was committed, Shi’ism has been a religion based on reason, rationality, humanitarianism and service to the world’s distressed and oppressed. As the people of the world witness the crimes of the Wahhabi’s, they become more attracted to Shi’ism and true Islam.”


He explained that Wahhabism was created by the enemies of Islam: “Those who investigate are aware that the Wahhabi sect is incompatible with the Quran, prophetic tradition, the outward principals and practices of the Islamic faith, such as the true forms of monotheism and worship.”


His Eminence further emphasized that Wahhabism is rejected by Shi’ites as well as Sunnis, and explained that the main foundations of Wahhabism were laid by Taqiuddin Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah. Later, Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab promoted his heretic teachings in order to form a state in the Arabian Peninsula.


He noted that Muslims need insight and awareness: “The [so-called] Islamic State (IS) and other Takfiri groups are a new version of Wahhabism which was created by the ‘global arrogance’ and the Zionist regime to further destroy the image of the Islam.”


Ayatollah Fazel-Lankarani mentioned the many crimes and plots against Muslims throughout the Islamic world and noted:  “For many years, the ‘global arrogance’ has introduced Islam as a religion of terrorism and promoted Wahhabism as a representation of Islam. However, because of the indisposition and disgust of Muslims for this deceit, their plan has failed to take hold.”


His Eminence referred to the ban on al-Quds Day rallies by the so-called Islamic State and stated, “These Takfiri groups are aligned with and serve the Zionist regime. The prohibition of al-Quds Day rallies and the crimes committed against Muslims in Gaza are barbaric.”


He emphasized that the occupying Zionist entity is the main enemy of Muslims and mankind: “Wahhabis, the Taleban, Takfiri groups such as IS are the children of the Zionist regime and the Islamic world must not oblivious to this cancerous tumour.”

