Ayatollah Mazaheri stresses importance of Islamic unity, Islamic government, and prayer

Rasa News Agency report – Ayatollah Hoseyn Mazaheri, the head of the Islamic Seminary of Esfahan, gave a sermon at Esfahan’s Hakim Mosque, where discussed the importance of Islamic government, Islamic unity and the importance of prayer.


Ayatollah Mazaheri pointed to the wise words about the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, in regards to Islamic government: “The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution always reminds those whom he meets with to be heedful of the culture of the Islamic system of government because if the Islamic system of government is damaged, repairing it is very difficult.”


“Currently, the situation of chastity and veiling (hijab) is very bad. The government must take this matter seriously and the Iranian nation should pay attention to this situation. Particularly in education, chastity and the veil issue should be taken seriously,” he advised.


“Every tribulation, every internal difference, and also every external difference facing us is because the enemies are creating divisions in the Muslim community so that Israel can have a place in the heart of the Middle East,” Ayatollah Mazaheri explained.


He pointed out the so-called “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)” terrorist group was formed by taking advantage of the differences between Muslims: “ISIL is devouring Iraq but Iraqi officials have been sitting in their parliament and creating their own downfall by their disunity. The Supreme Leader has explained that if the Iraqi government, the Iraqi nation and the religious authorities were united, ISIL would have been defeated.”


“If we destroy each other by our own hands, we will be obliterated. Israel and the ISIL have created general divisions between Muslims. If these differences are specific and internal, then the will weaken us and we will forget our goals. If we want to be victorious, we have no choice but to unite against the enemies. Our system of Wilayat al-Faqih (guardianship of the jurisprudent) has enemies like the United States and the countries of the ‘global arrogance’ both in the East and the West. We must unite,” he added.


“Those who do not give importance to prayer (salah) lead a life of sorrow and distress, but if we give importance to prayer, our life will be good and blessed. Unfortunately, most people, especially the youth, do not give prayer its due importance. Unfortunately, people gather on the streets instead of going to the mosques in the afternoons and for maghrib (sunset) prayer. This kind of life brings sorrow and misery and creates differences at home,” Ayatollah Mazaheri stated.


“Those who do not give importance to praying at the beginning of its time or praying in congregation should try to pray in congregation at the mosque and at the beginning of its time for one year and to concentrate on prayer because it will change their lives,” His Eminence advised.


Ayatollah Mazaheri explained that if someone recites a two-unit prayer, all his legitimate wishes will certainly be granted by God: “When the Holy Quran mentions prayer, it does not use the word ‘read’ but rather ‘establish’ prayer.”


His Eminence recited the verse: “So woe to the praying ones, who are unmindful of their prayers” [107:4-5] and stated: “We should be moderate in our prayers. We should pray in the mosques and in congregation and recite the ta’qibat (post-prayer supererogatory devotional acts) and not be negligent of our prayers.”

