Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani offers congratulations on birth anniversary of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba

Rasa News Agency report – Ayatollah Hoseyn Nouri-Hamadani has been delivering a series of Ramadhan lectures on IRIB’s Channel One program “Fountain of Knowledge.” On the fourteenth night, His Eminence congratulated viewers on the joyous birth anniversary of the second Imam, Hasan ibn Ali al-Mujtaba, and said: “When the people did not support the divinely-appointed guardianship and leadership of Imam al-Mujtaba, the Imam was forced to make peace with Mu’awiyah.”


Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani described the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a religious democracy and explained that the Iranian people are the masters of the Islamic Revolution and that as long as they support the system and the leadership, Iran does not need nuclear weapons.


His Eminence pointed the critical role that the Iranian people had in the success of the Islamic Revolution. “The people became aware of Imam Khomeini through his pamphlets and speeches. With his support they went out the squares and overthrew the arrogant regime [of the Shah].”


Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani explained that we must learn from the history of the infallible family of the Prophet Muhammad, the Ahlul-Bayt: “When Sahl ibn al-Hasan al-Khorasani approached Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq and asked him: ‘Why is it that in spite of the truth being on your side, you do not stage an uprising against the Abbasids?’ The Imam then briefed his beloved companion on the circumstances prevailing in the region and that he cannot stage an uprising when he does not even have five sincere companions.”


He explained that the Infallible Imams are completely one in their virtues and attributes: “Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba fought beside his father, the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali. He had a courageous presence but because of the absence of public support he was forced to make peace with Mu’awiyah.”


He pointed to a narration from the Prophet Muhammad where he describes Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn the “leaders of the youths of paradise.” He said the Prophet Muhammad loved his grandsons and they loved to ride on his blessed shoulders. The Prophet said: “He who loves me must love these two.”


At the end of his sermon, Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani explained how the name of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba was chosen: “God ordered the angel Gabriel to descend to the Earth and congratulate the Prophet on the birth of his grandson and told him to name his grandson Hasan after Prophet Aaron’s son, Shabbar. The Arabic equivalent to this name is Hasan.”

