Iraqis fight ISIL for Amerli liberation

Iraqi forces have launched a major strike against the ISIL terrorists’ siege on the Turkmen Shia town of Amerli, north of the capital Baghdad.

Thousands of Shia fighters and Kurdish Peshmergas took part in the operation on Saturday to lift the ISIL-imposed blockade of the town, home to 15,000 Shia Turkmen.

Several villages have been freed by the Iraqi forces while advancing towards the town.

Iraqi planes have been targeting the Takfiris’ positions since the forces started mobilizing against the Takfiris there.

Iraq has been fighting the ISIL terrorists since they took control of Mosul on June 10. The takeover was followed by the fall of the city of Tikrit, located 140 kilometers (87 miles) northwest of the capital Baghdad. The control of Tikrit was later retaken by the Iraqi army.

The ISIL terrorists have been committing heinous crimes in the captured areas, including the mass execution of civilians and Iraqi security forces.

Soldiers of the Iraqi army have been engaged in heavy fighting with the militants on different fronts and have so far been able to push back militants in several areas.