‘Iran welcomes Qatar firms investment’

Iran’s first vice president has called on Qatari private sector and businesses to invest in the Islamic Republic as part of growing economic cooperation between the two countries

During a Saturday meeting with Qatari Minister of Communication and Information Technology Hessa al-Jaber in the Iranian capital, Tehran, Es’haq Jahangiri said Iran’s environment allows for secure investment and the Islamic Republic welcomes investments by Qatari firms and the private sector of the country.

The Iranian official referred to the growing cooperation between Iran and Qatar in different areas and expressed Tehran’s preparedness to transfer its technological know-how to Doha, including the development of infrastructures as well as technical and engineering services.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Jahangiri pointed to the Muslim world’s challenge with the extremist groups seeking to portray a wrong image of Islam, stating that through expansion of cooperation, the Muslim countries can tackle issues of this kind.

The Qatari minister, for her part, praised Iran’s achievements in different areas and said there are potentials for expansion of Tehran-Doha cooperation.

In early July, Iran and Qatar announced plans to establish a joint free economic zone in the southern Iranian province of Bushehr and its adjacent provinces.

The two neighboring states also share the giant South Pars gas field, which is estimated to contain major amounts of gas and condensate.