Bionic arm controlled by wearer thoughts

Chinese scientists have built a bionic arm controlled by the wearer’s thoughts, transferred to it via electrodes attached to their brains.

Once plugged onto the patient’s brain, the electrodes interpret their brainwaves and relay a signal.

“…We use computers to model and analyze the signals,” said Zheng Xiaoxiang, head of the brain-machine interface project from Zhejiang University.

The device comes in handy for those suffering from paralysis or those without limbs.

A 28-year-old patient who tested the robotic arm was implanted with electrodes in her brain. “When she wants to play ‘rock, paper, scissors’, the electrode can interpret her brainwaves and control the robotic hand. The accuracy of gestures can reach 80 percent,” said Zhu Junming, a brain surgeon with the 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University’s School of Medicine.

“The outcome of this research will be used on paralyzed patients suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or high paraplegia caused by spin injury. Motor functions can be rebuilt using the bionic arm. It will help patients live and work,” said Zhang Jianhua, chief brain surgeon with the 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University’s School of Medicine.

The team started its research in 2006 and made its first breakthrough in 2012, when a monkey was able to successfully control a bionic arm to pinch or grasp.