Grand Ayatollah Safi-Golpaygani: “Housing must be built on the basis of the traditional Islamic lifestyle”

Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi-Golpaygani, has met with a group of donors to housing projects for Iran’s needy. These donors gave reports and discussed the activities and progress of the projects and His Eminence gave his advice.

For the past eight years, the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been implementing the Mehr Housing Project in different parts of the country to build millions of low-cost residential units for needy applicants.

Ayatollah Safi-Golpaygani thanked all those who donated to the housing charities and for doing their Islamic duty, saying that they are role models for all people in Iran’s Islamic society. Their charity is for the benefit of the poor and the needy and all those struggling to survive on a low income. He pointed to the traditions of Infallible Ahlul-Bayt (S) on the subject of charity and said that there is no form of worship better than charity as it brings joy and happiness to the hearts of the believers. It also brings great joy to Imam al-Mahdi (AJ). His Eminence added that all those who do not have a home, are the true Shi’ah of Imam al-Mahdi (AJ) and are his dear children. Those who give charity to build a house for the poor, have in fact built a house for the Imam and this is a great honour for the believers and they will be greatly rewarded.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Ayatollah Safi-Golpaygani told a group of scholars from the Holy Seminary of Qom that he recommends the donors to build homes which fully comply with the traditional Islamic lifestyle and culture. “We have our own independent culture and we can announce to the world that we are under the banner of this culture and we will reach these lofty human and Islamic goals through this Islamic culture.”

The grand source of emulation also expressed concern that those living in apartments may lose their Islamic culture, saying: “We must be careful that through this ‘apartment culture’ we do not become Westernized and anti-Islamic, but rather we preserve a culture where families observe the holy Islamic laws and Islamic modesty and protect themselves from illicit mixing.”
