Bahrain regime takes responsibility for safety of hunger strikers in Jau prison

Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society said the regime in Bahrain takes full responsibility for the safety and well being of the prisoners of conscience who have gone on hunger strike in the Jau prison.

Al-Wefaq expresses solidarity with the prisoners and fully supports their rightful demands for freedom and an end to mistreatment.

Tens of prisoners have gone on hunger strike, including human rights activists Abdulhadi Alkhawaja and Naji Fateel, as well as Dr. Ali Alekri and Ibrahim Aldimistani who is former secretary of Bahrain Nursing Society and the chairman of the Bahrain Teachers Association Mahdi Abu Deeb.

Detainees in the Dry Dock Detention Centre had also gone on a hunger strike late August, protesting ill treatment.

When the prisoners in the Jau prison went on a hunger strike back in April, regime forces attacked the prisoners and beat them inside the prison wards leaving some with injuries.
