Russia hopes talks on E Ukraine begin

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has expressed hope that Ukraine and anti-government forces will quickly start negotiations on the status of eastern Ukraine.

“We are hoping that the talks will start quickly,” Lavrov said on Tuesday, calling on Kiev to conduct constitutional reforms.

“Fulfilling agreements is one of key conditions for a sustainable settlement of any conflict,” he added.

On September 5, Kiev and the pro-Russians inked the Russia-proposed ceasefire pact aimed at putting an end to heavy clashes in Ukraine’s eastern areas, following negotiations in the Belarusian capital city of Minsk.

The truce called for “temporary special status” for the regions currently controlled by the pro-Russian forces.

Lavrov further noted that Moscow was “seriously concerned” about Monday’s reports that Ukrainian forces were concentrating heavy weaponry near Debaltseve, some 70 kilometers to the northeast of Donetsk.

“One can make a conclusion that some sort of attack force is being put together,” Lavrov said, adding, “We will carefully monitor the situation.”

Ukraine’s mainly Russian-speaking regions in the east have witnessed deadly clashes between pro-Russia forces and the Ukrainian army since Kiev launched military operations to silence the pro-Russians in mid-April.

Violence intensified in May after the two flashpoint regions of Donetsk and Lugansk held local referendums in which their residents voted overwhelmingly in favor of independence from Ukraine.

Western powers and the Kiev government accuse Moscow of having a hand in the crisis in eastern Ukraine. Russia denies the accusation.