Academic Symposium on "Intellectual-Political Genealogy of Salafism" hold at IICT

IRAN – Academic Symposium on “Intellectual-Political Genealogy of Salafism” was held at “Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought” IICT:
Academic Symposium on “Intellectual-Political Genealogy of Salafism” was held at IICT, the “Islamic Revolution Studies Department” of: Culture and Social Studies Faculty” on Saturday, September 20, 2014.
The first speaker of the symposium, Dr. Mohammad-Baqer Pouramini the faculty member of Theology Dep. at IICT and the head of “Youth Research Centre”, started his speech by growing this question that: Whether we can consider Salafism as a theological school?

He stated that theology is the knowledge of religious principles and faithful beliefs which is defended by rational and traditional arguments. In this regard, Salafism could be a theological school although the critics of Kalam consider it as a blamable innovation. Their sources of knowledge are only the holy Quran and tradition not consensus (Ijma’) and intellect. They totally deny reason and rational argumentation. Then he analyzed and criticized Salafism beliefs and thought.

The second speaker, Meysam Shirvani reviewed the history and genealogy of Salafism. He believes that there are two major waves in emerging Salafism. The first wave is after the collapse of Abbasid Caliphate and the second wave was formed after 80th century.
The third speaker was Dr. Mahdi Farmanian, the head of “Islamic Denominations Department “at “The University of Religions and Denominations”. He holds that there are three types of Salafism: 1- “Imitative Salafism” including Wahhabism, 2- “Reformative Salafism” including “The Society of the Muslim Brothers (Muslim Brotherhood)”, 3- “Jihadi Salafism” including “Al-Qaeda” and “Daesh”. He stated that the only way for debilitation Salafism and ignoring its danger is to establish a moderate Islamic government. 
