Cairo car bomb injures 12+

Over a dozen people have been injured in a car bombing incident in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, near the nation’s High Court of Justice, authorities said.

Among those reported wounded following the late Tuesday bomb attack near a subway station in central Cairo were a woman and two children.

No fatalities have so far been reported as a result of the blast, which is the first major attack in the capital since a bombing outside the Foreign Ministry building in late September that killed two police officers.

Egypt’s Interior Ministry spokesman Brigadier General Abdel Fattah Othman initially announced that nine civilians were wounded in the blast and that most of the injuries were minor.

The local news outlets, however, revised the number of those hurt in the bombing to more than 12.

 “It was not a car bomb. It was a homemade explosive device,” Othman was cited as stating to the Nile TV, adding that a number of shops were also damaged as a result of the incident.

Bomb experts were reportedly dispatched to the bombing site to investigate the blast, media reports added.

Egypt has been the scene of numerous bombings and armed attacks since the military-led ouster of the nation’s first democratically-elected president Mohammed Morsi in July 2013.

The development coincided with a wave of nationwide protest rallies mostly by university students, leading to a brutal crackdown by the Egyptian police.

Meanwhile, Human Rights Watch said on Tuesday that over 110 university students had been arrested since Saturday.

The rights group urged Egyptian officials to free the students, saying the arrests “appear to be solely directed at the students’ peaceful exercise of the right to free assembly.”