Pentagon selling military trucks to UAE

A US government official says the United Arab Emirates is planning to buy over 4,500 roadside-bomb protected trucks from the United States.

The deal could net the US military $2.5 billion and install a large fleet of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) trucks for use in the Arab country, USA Today reported.

The unnamed US official said the sale of 4,569 MRAP trucks could led to creation of an Arab peacekeeping force.

President Barack Obama signed an order in December determining that the furnishing of defense articles and defense services to the Arab countries in the Middle East will “strengthen the security of the United States and promote world peace.”

The Pentagon credited the roadside-bomb-resistant trucks with saving American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan where improvised explosive devices were the top killer.

Pentagon spokeswoman Navy Cmdr. Elissa Smith said the Pentagon and State Department support the sale.

“The MRAPs are for the legitimate defense and security requirements of the UAE,” Smith said.

“The vehicles will be used to increase force protection, to conduct humanitarian assistance operations, and to protect vital international commercial trade routes and critical infrastructure. Additionally, these MRAPs will enhance UAE’s burden-sharing capacity and defensive capabilities,” she added.

The UAE refused to comment on the agreement over the trucks.