India slams Pakistan’s ‘adventurism’

India’s defense minister says Pakistan will “feel the pain” if it continues with its “adventurism” along the de facto border in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir.

“Our conventional strength is far more than theirs. So if they persist with this, they’ll feel the pain of this adventurism,” Arun Jaitley said in an exclusive interview with Hindi-language NDTV news channel in the capital, New Delhi, on Tuesday.

The Indian defense minister also stated that it is up to the Islamabad government to prepare the ground for the resumption of peace talks with India.

“Of course we can talk to Pakistan, but it is up to Pakistan to create an atmosphere for talks. Pakistan has to stop triggers which upset the environment in which talks are held,” Jaitley added.

On October 9, the Indian defense minister accused Pakistani forces of launching unprovoked attacks on the Indian side of the Line of Control (LoC), which divides the parts of Kashmir administered by New Delhi and Islamabad.

Islamabad and New Delhi have fought two wars over Kashmir since their independence from British colonial rule in 1947. The arch rivals lay claim to the whole region but they only control their own section.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has expressed concern over the deadly cross-border clashes between Pakistan and India in Kashmir, calling on both sides to resolve the hostility through negotiation.

India and Pakistan agreed to a ceasefire along the Line of Control in 2003, and a year later launched talks aimed at brokering a regional peace.

The process was, however, suspended after over 160 people lost their lives in the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks, which New Delhi blamed on Pakistan-based militants.