ISIL, Kurds clash in northern Kobani

Fierce clashes erupt between Kurdish fighters and the ISIL Takfiri terrorists in Syria’s strategic city of Kobani across the Turkish border.

After about two days of relative calm, the clashes took place in the northernmost part of the city as night fell on Monday.

According to reports, the Kurdish fighters had the upper hand in the battles and managed to push the militants out of some areas of the city.

US-led coalition forces also conducted occasional skirmishes and airstrikes.

The ISIL Takfiris have committed widespread acts of violence, including mass executions, abductions, torture and forcing women into slavery in the areas they have seized in Iraq and Syria.

Meanwhile, Press TV has learned that Washington has moved its base from Jordan to Turkey to train radical extremists who are fighting the Syrian government

According to a 2013 estimate, the city of Kobani, also called Ayn al-Arab, is inhabited by Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen, and Armenians.
