Beirut seeks halt in UN refugee listing

The Lebanese government has expressed concern about the influx of Syrian refugees, saying it will call on the United Nations not to register any more cases in the country.

Lebanese Information Minister Ramzi Jreij told reporters on Thursday that Beirut will ask the UN not to register Syrian refugees fleeing the foreign-sponsored militancy in their homeland to Lebanon unless those cases classed as “exceptional.”

“As far as the issue of restricting the number of [refugee] cases is concerned, the government agreed to stop welcoming displaced people, barring exceptional cases, and to ask the UN refugee agency to stop registering the displaced,” Jreij said.

The Syrian refugees, who are already in Lebanon would be “encouraged to return to their country” or go somewhere else, he added.

Latest figures by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) show a drop of around 40,000 in the number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon since the end of September.

More than 1.1 million Syrian refugees are currently taking shelter in Lebanon. The influx of Syrian refugees is exerting huge pressure on Lebanon’s poor infrastructure, education and health systems.

More than three million Syrians are said to have taken shelter in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Iraq since the outset of the crisis in Syria in March 2011. Western powers and their regional allies – especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey – are the main supporters of the militants operating inside Syria.