UK MPs receive thousands in perks

A recent report shows that British MPs have received hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of VIP tickets and foreign trips.

According to an analysis of the current register of the interests of the MPs published in the Guardian on Friday, they have received around $160,000 (£100,000) worth of free tickets to the opera, sports events and balls and $1.28 million (£800,000) of free foreign trips.

Large corporations offered parliamentarians the perks in order to curry favor.

Tobacco companies were among the highest givers of corporate hospitality, dishing out thousands of dollars worth of tickets to sporting events.

The UKs Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow is among the keenest recipients of free tennis tickets.

The former education secretary, Michael Gove, also received free tickets.

In accordance to British parliamentary regulations, MPs are permitted to accept the hospitality and overseas visits as part of the perks of the job, as long as the free services are declared to the government.