Anti-Israel activists arrested in S Africa

South African police forces have arrested dozens of anti-Israel activists, who were demanding an end to food imports from Israel.

According to police, 57 people who had protested in a department store in Johannesburg were arrested on Saturday and charged with public disturbance.

A Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement member, Tasneem Essop, said some of the arrested campaigners were minors.

“It is completely ridiculous and it goes against the values we wish to uphold,” she said.

She also said the demonstration was entirely peaceful and protesters had only walked into the shop and lay on the ground holding their placards.

Essop went on to say that the protesters were not arrested inside the department store and had left the building when the police approached them. 

Members of the BDS Movement were demanding the department store halt food imports from Israel.

They expressed disappointment over the store’s annual purchase of over a million dollars worth of food products from Israel.

The protesters also said they would like the retailer to cut all trade ties with Israel.

The BDS Movement is a worldwide campaign aimed at increasing economic and political pressure on Israel to comply with the movements’ goals, amongst which are the end of Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel.