al-Mustafa International University condemns Israel atrocities in Gaza


“… Surely We have prepared for the iniquitous a fire, the curtains of which shall encompass them about; and if they cry for water, they shall be given water like molten brass which will scald their faces; evil the drink and ill the resting-place.” [The Holy Quran: 18:29]


Since the establishment of the illegitimate Israeli regime, the defenceless people of Palestine have faced much oppression of their rights. The international community, who claim to be the supporters of human rights, have shown no reaction to the years of brutal atrocities by this arrogant regime and its supporters.


In the last two weeks, the attacks by the Zionist regime on the Gaza Strip have greatly intensified. Barrages of Israeli missiles and bombs have been raining down on the innocent and defenceless people of the Gaza Strip. Many innocent people have been killed in the Zionists’ attempts to conquer Gaza and their blood is flooding the land. By the red blood of the martyrs of Gaza, the resistance of the mighty Palestinian nation will soon restore stability and the oppressive dynasty of Zionism and its supporters will come to an end.


Although groups of Palestinians have tried to combat the barbaric attacks of the cruel regime which occupies the holy city of al-Quds (Jerusalem), their attempts have remained unsuccessful. Thus, international action and determination is required to resolve to liberate the oppressed Palestine from the animalistic and brutal occupiers of Holy al-Quds.


Whatever is happening in the Gaza Strip is due to the overt aggression and persistence of the Zionists with the support of America in the shadow of warm relations with the Arab countries to attack the nation of Palestine in order to distance the Palestinian people from their land and their holy places.


As we have said many times before, the silence of the international community and organizations in the face of the crimes and aggression of the Zionist regime on the Gaza Strip provides opportunities to the Zionists to continue to shed more blood and tragedy without any fear of punishment.


al-Mustafa International University strongly condemns the recent atrocities of the Zionist regime and supports the third intifadhah (uprising) of the Palestinians. We demand that the Islamic community and Islamic governments, as well as international organizations, adopt a solid stance against these atrocities and take a practical and effective stance against them.


al-Mustafa International University
9 July, 2014