Al-Qassam: We destroyed Israel’s "invincible army" myth

Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said that its last battle with the Israeli occupation had delivered a severe blow the fighting spirit of its forces and exploded the myth of its invincible army.

This came during a ceremony held in Khan Younis under the theme “A nation constructing its victory” to honor the families of more than 600 martyrs killed during the last Israeli war in Gaza.

“Al-Qassam had already declared ahead of Al-Asef Al-Makoul battle that it would fight a war to break the enemy’s fighting spirit, and the martyrs contributed to crush its will and dispel the legend of its routed army,” a spokesman for the Brigades said during the ceremony.

“The heroic acts and triumphs of your Brigades and all men of honor from the other factions on the battlefield have been achieved by the grace of God and then by our preparedness because we know very well that only the language of force works out with the usurping enemy,” the spokesman added.

He also hailed the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in Gaza despite the atrocious massacres that had been committed by the Israeli army against thousands of innocent children, women, and elderly civilians.
