Allama Nasir Abbas Jafari says Punjab Govt patron of takfiri terrorists

Allama Raja Nasir Abbas Jafari, secretary general, Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen has condemned the takfiri terrorists who attacked sacred Tyron Wali Imam Bargah in Rawalpindi and burnt the Holy Quran and Flag attributed to Hazrat Abbas Alamdar (AS). Imam Bargah was also set on fire.

Punjab government is directly involved in attack on and arson in Tyraan Wali Imam Bargah in Rawalpindi because she patronizes takfiri terrorists and lack of police action against the terrorists also proved it,” he said in a statement issued from Wahdat House.

He asked Punjab government to abandon takfiri terrorists otherwise Shia Muslims would depose them by legitimate masses power should they continue to act like Ibn-e-Zyad, governor of Kufa during the Umayyad despotic rule of Yazid.

Sunni and Shia Muslims are united and they know well that takfiri nasbi fanatics and terrorists have nothing to do with Islam. Sunni and Shia Muslims have vowed that they will rid Pakistan of takfiris at all cost,” he asserted.

Allama Jafari demanded that army be called in all parts of Pakistan under article 245 for countrywide military operation to eliminate the takfiri terrorists.
