Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli meets with managers of the Islamic Propagation Organization of Mazandaran

Rasa News Agency reports – Ayatollah Abdollah Javadi-Amoli has met the managers of the Islamic Propagation Organization of Mazandaran [province] in the city of Damavand, near Tehran.


“The mission of the Islamic Propagation Organization is institution building and the development and revival of Islamic culture and knowledge in society,” His Eminence explained. He also emphasized that the development of a religious culture, knowing the enemy and dealing with the cultural invasion and the soft war on the Islamic Republic of Iran is a necessity in which Muslims need to be active in. “Our major responsibility is to execute the rights of Muslims and Islam,” he explained.


Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli advised: “When a speaker is preaching, he should not deliver such a long sermon that it has no effect on his audience. Rather, his sermon should be useful and effective the subject matter should be presented with arguments and proofs.”


He emphasized that clerics and preachers have great duties when delivering a sermon; the whole contents of the sermon should be reliable and based on important and credible sources. “Angels are present in academic discussions and the carpet beneath the feet of the seminarians is the wings of these angels and for this reason, humankind will learn the correct path when he commits himself to a life of studying and uses his abilities to their full potential and does not waste his time,” Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli stated.


Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli pointed out the importance of education in the seminaries and universities as well as the importance of teaching in Islamic societies, and advised: “If someone studies in the seminaries and universities, but his education was not applied, he will not be successful in this world or in the hereafter. If you have the right to implement education in the universities, your actions can have a great the Islamic community.”


Alluding to some types of sin in Islamic society, His Eminence said: “People need to understand the many types of sins and their reasons so that on the Day of Judgement, their senses will be opened. At that time, they will understand their sins. How is the person who reads verse 30 of Surat an-Nur of the Holy Quran and does not fully understand it?”


The verse that His Eminence referred to states: “Say to the believing men that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts; that is purer for them; surely God is Aware of what they do.” [24:30]


Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli said that man has two dimensions: perception and impulse, and explained. “If man can understand and perceive themselves correctly by these two dimensions and these two dimensions are found within him, he can use them efficiently.”


At the end of his sermon, Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli said that service for the sacred system of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the same as that for a cultural organization or for preaching Islam in the seminaries or publishing a study on the Holy Quran and said: “This sacred system is our partner and companion and we should implement its rights with generosity and good character.”

