Ayatollah Olama speaks out on Zionists’ crimes in Gaza

Rasa News Agency reports – Ayatollah Mostafa Olama, the representative of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, in the western city of Kermanshah, spoke with Rasa News Agency and condemned the Zionist regime’s crimes against the people of Gaza.


His Eminence stressed that the usurper regime of Israel has reached its weakest point and said: “Today, the furthest Zionist settlements are under the range of the missiles of the resistance. It has become clear that despite the Zionists’ propaganda, the Iron Dome is not effective. The Palestinian resistance, which has few options and weak infrastructure, has been able to break the Iron Dome and to confront the Zionists. This demonstrates that other countries can easily target Israel.”


He explained the Zionists’ weakness by stating: “Israeli authorities sometimes speak of a ground offensive and sometimes speak of withdrawing. This uncertainty is a sign of their weakness.”


Ayatollah Olama stated that Israel’s attacks are usually to test their own abilities as well those of their enemies: “They want to test the conditions of the region and their own preparedness. For this reason, they raided Lebanon and Syria by air.”


His Eminence explained that the resistance of the people of Gaza resistance is very valuable: “Since the beginning of the current attacks, many people have been martyred and thousands have been wounded. In no way, will the killing of innocent Palestinians undermine their resistance.”


Referring to the situation in the troubled region, he said: “Today, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon are under attack from one side and Iraq is under attack from another side by the enemies of Islam but this has helped expand and strengthen the culture of resistance in the region.”


“Today, these criminals are involved in all the problems facing the people of the region. Perhaps, during the early days of the invasion of Iraq by ISIL, some rumours were heard but there was no deployment; this reason was brought forward to advance the goals of the resistance front in the region,” he continued.


Ayatollah Olama has condemned the silence of the international community towards the Zionists’ crimes: “The Europeans are the slaves of the usurping Israeli regime and are their partners-in-crime. So it is natural that Westerners and Americans are working for the Zionists, and are remaining silent.”


He pointed to the protests and outrage in many countries around the world in response to the ongoing murder of Gazan civilians. “People in many open-minded and liberal countries have protested against the atrocities in Gaza.”


His Eminence explained that the only way to liberate Palestine from the hands of the Israeli occupying resistance is that the Palestinian people must rely on themselves. This culture and mindset is very important. He noted that the development of a culture of sustainability and self-reliance is due to the resistance. “Until a few years ago, the Palestinians had no arms and no missiles that could stand against the Zionists, stones were their only weapons, but today they have progressed and have unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) and missiles available to fight Israel.”


Ayatollah Olama stressed that armed struggle is the only way to save Palestine as the Zionist usurpers do not understand anything but the language of force.

