Bahrain: Ayatollah Isa Qassim Denounces Attack on Shia Mourners in Saudi Arabia

Bahrain’s leading Shia cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim condemned the recent attack on a mourning procession in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province.

Addressing Friday prayers worshipers in Manama, he described the attack as one belonging to the era of Jahiliyya (pre-Islamic era) and said it showed the perpetrators’ hatred toward Islam, Noor Radio reported.

“This is one in a countless number of terrorist activities in the region which spreads enmity among Islamic sects, the senior cleric added.

He also criticized certain Arab countries for supporting terrorist groups in the region.

On Monday night, masked gunmen stormed a mourning procession marking Ashura, the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (PBUH), the third Shia Imam, in al-Dalwah, and opened fire as people were observing Ashura, the 10th day of the lunar month of Muharram.

Seven Shia mourners, including children, were killed in the terrorist attack.
Another person had been also gunned down by the assailants in a neighboring village as they hijacked his car to use it in the attack.

Saudi authorities have accused al-Qaeda militants of the attack.

The assault on Shia mourners comes as Saudi officials themselves show zero tolerance toward anti-government demonstrations in the oil-rich kingdom, and have harshly cracked down on such protests.

International human rights organizations have criticized Saudi Arabia for failing to address the rights situation in the kingdom. They say Saudi Arabia has persistently implemented repressive policies that stifle freedom of expression, association and assembly.

Activists say there are over 30,000 political prisoners in Saudi Arabia.
