Bahrain regime forces brutalize protesters

Bahraini regime forces used tear gas and fired bullets to disperse demonstrators in the capital Manama and other different cities and villages in the Persian Gulf state.

According to reports on Wednesday, the security forces reportedly launched a crackdown on demonstrators in the island of Sitra near the capital, Manama.

The protesters were calling for the downfall of the ruling Al-Khalifa regime.

Bahrainis also took to the streets in many villages, denouncing the regime’s crackdown on pro-democracy protesters.

Earlier this month, Bahraini protesters gathered in Sitra to express their outrage over recent measures adopted by the Bahraini government to grant citizenship to foreign nationals. The move by the regime came shortly after a court stripped 13 Bahrainis of their nationality over charges of involvement in “terrorist” operations.

Since mid-February 2011, thousands of anti-government protesters have held numerous demonstrations in the streets of Bahrain, calling for the Al Khalifa royal family to relinquish power.

One month after the start of anti-regime protests, troops from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were deployed to the country to assist the Bahraini government in its crackdown on peaceful protesters.

According to local sources, scores of people have been killed and hundreds arrested.

Human rights groups have voiced concern over the treatment of the Bahraini activists being kept in prisons and the atrocities being committed by authorities and security forces in the government crackdown.
