Centre for Administration of the Islamic Seminary calls on all seminarians to attend al-Quds Day rallies

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


Due to the wise planning and foresight of the architect of the great Islamic Revolution, Imam Ruhollah Khomeini, the emergence of International al-Quds Day shows the world the power of the Islamic community when they unite to support the oppressed Palestinian nation. The perceived exceptionalism of the arrogant countries of the world and the usurping Zionist regime has become a focus of rage and uproar among Muslims who sense a lack of power among the truth-seeking nations of the world and those seeking freedom against the arrogant powers and imperialists around the world.


International al-Quds Day is a valuable blessing from our noble [Iranian] people and is based upon the great values of the Islamic Revolution which calls for Muslims around the world to unite, integrate and cooperate. It is a vital and strategic element of our Islamic system of governance.


The Centre for Administration of the Islamic Seminary invites all people loyal to the powerful Islamic system to participate in this movement with glory in order to banish division and avoid religious disputes. We express our abhorrence and disgust at the arrogant countries’ actions.


For the arrogant countries, the prospect of Muslim unity is a damaging nightmare and an incomprehensible crisis which has dominated the security concerns of the global powers to the extent that their desperation and helplessness has caused them to support repressive and terrorist Takfiri groups and create blind religious and sectarian conflicts, which only benefits the arrogant countries and their political interests. They have not hesitated to provide these Takfiri terrorists with all the tools and weapons they require.


By participating in this movement, clerics and seminarians renew their allegiance to the goals of the great leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini. By shouting the slogan “death to America and death to Israel!” they answer the call to their wise leader, Ayatollah Khamenei.


The Centre for Administration of the Islamic Seminary
July 20, 2014