Diabolical US agenda in Syria, Iraq

Recent US “negotiations” regarding the use of military facilities in Turkey and Saudi Arabia to train “moderate” opposition forces is further proof of the kabuki theater and misinformation that continues to be propagated across Western media.

To those of us who have been closely following developments in the Middle East region, it’s incredibly obvious that there’s been a longstanding relationship between NATO and regional allies to recruit, train, finance, arm and direct foreign mercenary forces to illegally attack and destroy Syria.

These same subversive strategic alliances have applied similar tactics across the region for decades. Most recent initiatives over the past few years have resulted in the creation of a mercenary force now being called “ISIS”, one of the more formidable and well armed Western-backed mercenary monsters the region has encountered.

In complete contrast to Pentagon and US State Department misinformation, embedded and associated clandestine operatives from the US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel, Jordan and other allied NATO and Persian Gulf state intelligence organizations continue to cooperatively plan, coordinate and direct initiatives for their new Frankenstein, “ISIS”.

More specifically, the US and Turkey are deceitfully claiming “tense negotiations” and disunity with regard to the use of its bases for operations against “ISIS” and a no-fly zone in Syria. When in fact, Turkey and other NATO members and allies are deliberately coordinating efforts when it comes to reconciling “ISIS” mercenaries. For example, US military officials and Western media have deceitfully described the “bombing campaign” across Syria as a failure.

Even the most inexperienced military analyst can easily determine that coalition “airstrikes” in Syria were deliberately limited in number and effectiveness, as hardly any “ISIS” forces or advanced military infrastructure were even targeted. To give a comparison, over 1000 aircraft and 38,000 combat missions were conducted over a 10 week period during the Kosovo War in the spring of 1999, while less than 50-100 combat missions were made in and around Ayn al-Arab (aka Kobani) over a four week period, with the majority of “airstrikes” occurring in the latter part of  the second week of October, well after “ISIS” mercenaries were already in position to wreak havoc on one of the largest and most strategic cities controlled by the PKK and YPG (arch enemies to both Iraqi Kurds and Turkey). Coincidence? Hardly.

The US, Turkey and other NATO members and allies have worked closely together for nearly four years providing air defense operations and clandestine logistics, support and intelligence to train, harbor, arm, prepare and protect mercenaries all along Turkey’s border with Syria. Until earlier this year, these same mercenaries controlled nearly all the border crossings between Turkey and Syria.

In addition to cooperatively executing clandestine operations, Turkey, a NATO member for over half a century, has also continuously allowed the US and other NATO members to use its bases for decades to conduct large scale clandestine and Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) operations throughout the region.

For those of us who have worked in and around the intelligence community, it’s well known that advancements in ISR techniques provide incredible insight and command and control that is rarely, if ever, shared publicly.

For example, the transfer of advanced military weaponry from northern Iraqi forces to “ISIS” was neither a surprise nor a miscalculation to the clandestine military and intelligence personnel who were directly involved in monitoring and directing activities across Iraq and Syria. This strategically orchestrated initiative was undertaken to accomplish the following main objectives:

1) Disarm northern Iraqi military forces to weaken and eliminate Baghdad’s control in the region. It was widely known and anticipated that most northern Iraqi military forces were not loyal to Baghdad and would cooperatively abandon their posts to easily accomplish this objective.

2) Transfer advanced northern Iraqi military equipment to “ISIS” mercenary forces to strengthen their ability to threaten and oppose Baghdad, the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG), PKK, YPG and Syria. The US had purposely delayed shipment of key military equipment that Baghdad had already paid for.

3) Increase military assistance to Iraqi Kurds to strengthen the KRG’s position to secede from Iraq and achieve full autonomy and sovereignty, an objective the West has supported in the region for decades.

Qatar, the UAE, KRG, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Egypt and others in the region continue to finance and support NATO’s initiatives. The main reason for this is that NATO’s initiatives provide solutions to achieve mutually agreed upon objectives to force regime change in Syria, weaken and eliminate the PKK/YPG, establish a sovereign Kurdish state in Iraq, and further isolate and weaken Iran and Russia.

Scott Rickard is a former American intelligence linguist in Florida.