Effects of Ashura- Not be scared of death

Effects of Ashura- Not be scared of death

Sacredness as the individual character and public morality means unbeatable, ego strength, and spiritual dignity. It also means defeating extraneous factors and preserving the character. “Ozzaz” refers to the firm, hard, and solid ground. Those who have dignity they will not belittle themselves and conduct dishonorably; even, they scarify their lives for saving nobility. In fact, humiliation of soul stems from enduring vicious domination, keeping silence against violence, and obeying misbelievers.

Allah is exalted in power and honor belongs to Allah, prophets, and his believers.

In many traditions sordidness is reproved. Muslims and believers are not permitted to belittle themselves. Imam Sadiq (AS) said,

Muslim is reasonable for all of his affairs except his sordidness.

Allah has commanded that sacredness belongs to Allah, his prophet, and his believers. Muslim is glorious not humiliated. Muslim is harder than a mountain. Mountain can be dig by pick, but nothing can be separated from the Muslim’s religion.

An honorable Muslim should not covet another’s property. In addition, he should have magnanimity and avoid begging someone’s favor even in poverty.

It is permitted to perform the wodhou with sand or dust instead of water when one feels humiliated because of asking water. Consequently, prayer can perform the wodhu with sand or dust and avoid asking for water.

Umayyad dynasty wanted to force Al Muhammad to take their oath of allegiance to Yazid. It was impossible and Al Muhammad did not accept it even though they were held captive and martyred by Yazid.

When governor of Medina asked Imam Hussein (AS) to swear allegiance to Yazid, Imam Hussein (AS) rejected it and considered it as a belittling act. He informed people the misdeeds and sinful acts of Yazid. He also mentioned that a person like me can never swear allegiance to Yazid. Moreover, He rejected his surrendering to Yazid and said:


“I will not pledge allegiance to you like a dishonorable man.”  

In the morning of Ashura and in the beginning of battle, Imam Hussein (AS) delivered a speech and said following:

“I swear by Almighty Allah that I will not accept their request (to surrender) until I attain to martyrdom.”

In another passionate speech to Kufa corps in Karbala, concerning the rejection of Ibn Ziyad upon surrender and allegiance, Imam Hussein (AS) said:

I am at liberty to choose between death and belittlement. Alas, I will not choose humiliation. Such a manner is not admissible before Allah, the Holy Prophet PBUH, the relatives of the Holy Prophet, and other sacred people. I will prefer to attain martyrdom rather than obey misbelievers.

Imam Hussein (AS) believed that death with dignity is better than sordid life. He also mentioned it on the day of Ashura on the battlefield.

In another case when he faced with the corps of Hur, he recited a poem and said anyone who has been put under pressure have a sordid life. He mentioned that I do not afraid of death and death is the easiest way to achieve honor. Death with dignity is an everlasting life and sordid life is death without living. Do you scare me with death? It is a wrong assumption. I am brave enough to withstand oppression because of death. You can not kill me any more. It is blissful to attain to martyrdom. You cannot take my glory and honor. I do not afraid of death.  

His brothers, offspring, and follower had the same personality as Abbas ibn Ali and his brother rejected the Ibn Ziyar’s protection letter.

If they accepted his protection letter, they would not be killed but, they would suffer from losing Imam and accepting Ibn Ziyar’s protection letter.

Rejecting protection showed their honorable conduct. O, Shamar, may death be upon you. May Allah curse you and your protection. O, enemy of Allah, you ask us to obey oppression and cease providing our brother, Imam Hussein (AS), with our protection.  

Ali Akbar had the same mentality. After his self-praising in the battlefield he introduced himself and reminded them his allegiance with Allah. In addition, he criticized the cruel government and said I swear to Allah, this person will not be our ruler. He considered the obedience to them as a dishonorable act.

The chief of mytris’ tribe protected the honor of Ale Allah after Ashura. Although they were held captive, they kept silence to protect their honor.

Imam Sajjad (AS) and Hazrat Zainab’s sermons represented this fact.

Hazrat Zainab responded to Ibn Ziyad’s humiliating speech effectively and properly in Kufa.

She had a reaction against Yazid’s insolence in Sham palace. She condemned him and said “O, Yazid do you think that you can belittle us and make yourself honorable?… I swear to Allah our memory will not be suppressed and our inspiration influence will not be removed but you will be condemned forever.”

Hazrat Zainab enlightened Yazid that this is the worst situation that Umayyad dynasty has been in and they cannot belittle Allah’s inspiration and the prophecies of the Holy Prophet’s personalities.