Political impact of Ashura-ignorant people awakening and freedom from deviation

Political impact of Ashura-ignorant people awakening and freedom from deviation

Including the blessings and effects of Imam Hussein’s martyrdom and uprising- in the socio-political aspect- was the awakening of the unaware people and conveying the spirit of struggle against oppression. In order to enlightening the minds and clarifying the matters, it’s necessary to briefly mention the situation of the Muslim community in that time. At that time people weredivided into several categories:

 The first category, which made up the bulk of the population, had lost their will against the corruption of Mu’awiya and accepted the humiliation of corruption in that Islamic Caliphate.

The second were those who preferredtheir private interests to mission and messengership. Unlike the first group, they were free fromUmayyad’s oppression and deviation and did not feel it.

The third category: they were the naive people who were deceived by the BaniUmayya rulers. If Imam Hussein and the prophet’s companions didn’t move, more people would be deceived. If the government was legal, the prophet’s companions won’t be quiet and silent.

The fourth category: this group thought that Imam Hassan (a.s.) gave the caliphate to Mu’awiya and compromised with him because of that time’s situation. Although the story of imposed peace was clear for the people of Kufa and Iraq, the Muslims in the Islamic community- like Khorasan- were unaware of the situation. So, Imam Hussein proved by his bloody movement that his brother’s peace doesn’t meanwithdrawing from the mission of his household (AS). Aside from the fact that these four categories were unaware, the other two categories, namely, the true followers of BaniUmayya and companions of Imam Hussain (AS) were also present. Although Imam Hussein’s companion were a few,it is noteworthy, however, that some enthusiasts Shia and Imam’s fans were in Muslim states.After being aware of his calling, he wanted to say compliance.But the center of Kufa was under strict control of Obaidullahibn Ziyad soldiersandthey never put anyone out or to be entered.Many Muslims in remote areaswere totally unawareof the disaster, but it’s a different subject.According to what we discussed briefly, the people of Kufa were so unaware that they didn’t hear imam and his companions’ shout and Comfort and welfare deviated them from any kind of help in the way of saving Islam.

In those circumstances, Imam Hussein’s bloody revolution changed all the socio-political equations of the enemies. Imam Hussein is the only person who sacrifices his character; he was one of the elites and the closest person to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Hussein’s movement was a peaceful one and on the other hand he sacrificed his life. The magnitude of the disaster and Imam’s oppression awaken those people, and revive the dead, and strengthened Islam.

In that shortage and famine era of the truth seekers and truth-oriented people, that  cruelty and idolatry and corruption under the light of destruction and bayonets ruled the society, Imam Hussein moved and he awaken the nation by which he protected Muhammad’s revolution , Hassan’s patience and Ali’s justice and supported Islam message.

Imam Hussein’s blood made the other bodies fresh. And it was a start for other movements. Truly, we can say that Ashura evening was not only the end of Imam Hussein’s movement, but also it was the start of Islamic nation’s movement especialy among the Shia people.

“Philip Hati” wrote in his Arab history book: “Tragedy of Karbala caused Shiite development and that school’s fans increase. So that we can claim that the tenth day of Muharram was the starting point of Shiite movement and its rise.

The famous historian “Gibon” said: “through the future centuriesof humanity and in different countries, the description of pathetic scene of Husayn’s (AS) death would awaken the reader’s heart.

Release from deviation:

the seventh effect and blessing of Imam Hussein’s movement was that hesaved the people from ignorance and error by his martyrdom and movement. He sacrificed himself in divine way in order to survive the nation from error and deviation of Ummaye government. As you read in Imam Hussein’s Arbae’enziyarat: «و بذل مهجته فيك ، ليستنقذ عبادك من الجهالة و حيرة الضلالة»:” and Hussein sacrificed his life and blood to survive the nation from error and deviation.”

About the mentioned sentence, Professor Martyr Motahari (RA) said: by the people’s deviation, we don’t mean that they were illiterate and unletteredpeople who have committed such an act and if they were educated and trained they won’t do that.In terms of religion, ignorance is described against the wisdom. And its purpose is wisdom punishment which is necessary for the people. And in other words, it is a kind of analysis potential case of visible adventures and a kind of comparison between the detail and the Generalities and it does not have much to do with literacy and illiteracy.Science is the recording and supporting the generalities and wisdom is the power of analysis. In other word, Imam Hussein was killed for the people’s ignorance and forgetfulness. Because if the people thought about their fifty or sixty-year-old history and they had the power of analysis and drawing lessons, ans as Imam Hussein said: «ارجعواالىعقولكم»if they refered to their fifty or sixty-year-old wisdom and they didn’t forget Abusofian, muawiyeh and  Ziyad’s crimes in Kufa and didn’t be deceived by Muawieh’s appearance and they tried to think deeply about Imam Hussein who was better than Yazid , Muawiyeh and Obidollah for their society, this crime would never happen…”

Yes, Imam Hussain (AS) appeared and shone in the darkness of despair and hopelessness by his sacred movement and showed the way to the human beings. He knew that only the misguided the ignorantpeople are dealt with the wicked and cruel government. So, he tried to survive thise ignorant people from that dangerous and painful situation by his blood.Therefore, Imam Sadiq (AS) discussed about the mentioned case: he does not know Husseini movement as a kind of sacrificing for the guilty nation and their intercession. He says: The goal was to save the humanity worldfrom ignorance and error.