Houthi Shia leader: Yemenis protest at gov’t terror policy

The leader of the Shia Houthi fighters in Yemen says the people in the impoverished country are protesting against the government’s policy of terror and threat.

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said in a TV address on Monday that state corruption has outraged the protesters and the government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s policy of terror would make the people even more resolute to address the problem of corruption in Yemen.

The Houthi leader added that Yemenis insist on their demands and seek justice, calling on Sana’a to meet the legitimate demands of the people.

On August 20, thousands of Houthis strengthened their positions in Sana’a in their efforts to press the Yemeni government to step down. Since then, Houthi activists have been holding daily rallies in Sana’a and Sa’ada, with tens of thousands taking part.

They accuse the government of corruption and marginalizing the Shia community.

Hadi’s government has offered to reverse a decision to cut fuel subsidies and form a new government in the Arab country, but Houthis insist that the government should resign.

According to a source close to the presidency, the Houthis have submitted a list of demands, including “uprooting corruption” as well as “giving them more powers within the public prosecution, accountability panel, national security services and the intelligence” services.

They also want Hadi to “consult with them on naming the new prime minister” and the ministers of defense, interior, foreign affairs and finance.

On Sunday, Yemeni police’s special forces killed one protester and injured around 40 others as they attacked them to disperse a Houthi sit-in blocking the road to Sana’a airport.
