Iran arrests foreign-linked spies

Iran’s Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi says the country’s security forces have arrested a number of individuals linked to foreign spy agencies.

Thanks to the vigilance of Iranian Intelligence Ministry forces, “the movements of foreign intelligence services have been monitored in Bushehr Province and those elements who sought to carry out surveillance work for foreigners have been identified” and arrested, Alavi said on Tuesday.

He added that the southern Bushehr Province has great sensitivity given its location, which is near a number of countries that have intelligence objectives in this part of Iran.

“As a hub for the country’s economy, industry, military, commercial and nuclear sectors, this province has a special position at the national level,” the Iranian minister pointed out.

Alavi further said that arrogant powers use the nationals and the forces of each country against its own national interests and security, adding, “This has been carried out in countries such as Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.”

Earlier in October, Alavi said Iranian intelligence forces in recent months arrested 130 “wicked elements” with links to the Takfiri terrorists operating in some regional states in a series of sting operations and thwarted several planned terror attacks across the country.