Iran children book appears in French

Iranian book If Snowmen Don’t Melt written for children by the eminent author Seyyed Ali Shojaei has been published in France.

llustrated by Elaheh Taherian, If Snowmen Don’t Melt was published in French language by RUE DU MONDE publishing company.

The book tells the story of a big snowman built by village children. However, the snowman, rather than being grateful to the villagers for creating him, he instead demands guards and ice cubes since he doesn’t want to melt, and this creates problems for the people.

Shojaei’s latest narrative creation was published in a collection titled The Best Stories of Continents.

If Snowmen Don’t Melt had been earlier published in German language in Switzerland.

The German Academy for Children’s Literature has picked the book as the Pictorial Book of the Month for May 2013 and awarded the book Buch des Monats prize.