Iran supporting Palestine resistance

Iran has congratulated Palestinians on their victory over Israel during the 50-day war on Gaza, reiterating its support for the Palestinian resistance against Tel Aviv.

“The heroic Palestinian people once again succeeded in creating another epic in the victory of the resistance front and bringing the Zionist regime [of Israel] to its knees,” Iran’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“Undoubtedly, the imposition of the legitimate demands of the resistance [movement] on Zionist leaders in an unequal battle in the Gaza Strip was the fruit of courage and self-sacrifice of thousands of [Palestinians] killed or wounded, and also their allegiance to the resistance ideology despite inhuman acts of the Israeli regime”, it added.

The statement emphasized that the victory once again showed that keeping resistance alive and standing up to the Israeli regime’s expansionist policies are the only ways to fully restore Palestinians’ rights.

It reiterated Iran’s commitment to support the Palestinian people’s resistance and expressed sympathy with the bereaved families of the victims of the Israeli regime’s recent attacks.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that the victory will be a prelude to the final liberation of all the occupied lands, including the holy Quds, from the Zionist occupiers,” the ministry pointed out.

Palestinian resistance groups and Israeli officials on Tuesday clinched a deal on a permanent ceasefire for the blockaded Gaza Strip. The truce will rid the territory of its seven-year-old blockade.

Israel launched an aerial military campaign against Gaza in early July and later expanded its operation with a ground invasion.

At least 2,137 Palestinians, including around 570 children, have been killed so far in the Israeli onslaught on Gaza. Some 11,000 others have been wounded.

Tel Aviv says 68 Israelis have been killed in the conflict, but Hamas puts the number at more than 150.