‘Iran, Venezuela share anti-terror stand’

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says Iran and Venezuela share common positions on international issues including the fight against terrorism.

In a meeting with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in New York on Tuesday, Rouhani added that it is unbelievable that countries which have created terrorist groups such as ISIL Takfiris currently seek to destroy them.

“Countries which are the main victims of terrorism should presently be a forerunner of the fight against and eradication of terrorism. For example, the Syrian and Iraqi people should stand against terrorism and others should help them in this path,” the Iranian president said.

He also touched upon mutual relations and said, “Iran and Venezuela pursue important and common goals. So, the two countries’ ties should be expanded at the highest level.”

President Rouhani expressed Iran’s determination to proceed with positive and constructive ties with Venezuela and emphasized that other countries should not be allowed to affect Tehran-Caracas amicable relations.

The Venezuelan president, for his part, said terrorists are the real enemies of humanity and added that certain countries have equipped terrorist groups with arms and weapons and now intend to battle them.

He called on independent countries such as Iran to help the Iraqi and Syrian people combat terrorist groups.

The ISIL terrorists are in control of some areas in Syria and have captured large swathes of land in neighboring Iraq.

The US is leading a so-called coalition of its Western and regional allies aimed at carrying out airstrikes against the Takfiri militants in Iraq and Syria. The move that lacks the UN’s consent has drawn criticism as the coalition comprises countries that have been staunch supporters of militant groups in Syria and Iraq.

Senior Iraqi and Syrian officials have blamed Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and some other Persian Gulf Arab states for the growing terrorism in their country.