Lebanon minister: Iran visit positive

Lebanon’s defense minister has said that his recent three-day visit to the Islamic Republic came off well.

Samir Moqbel said on Thursday that he held positive negotiations with Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani among other Iranian political and military officials during the visit to the Iranian capital, Tehran, last week.

The Lebanese defense minister also stated that a major objective of his visit was to discuss Iran’s proposal on the unconditional transfer of weapons to Lebanon’s armed forces with the aim of boosting the country’s defense against terror threats.

Moqbel said the visit came despite opposition by some political figures including the Progressive Socialist Party leader, Walid Jumblatt.

The Lebanese army command is considering Iran’s proposed list of arms, Moqbel said, adding that the implementation of the transfer needs the approval of the Lebanese cabinet.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham reiterated Tehran’s readiness to provide Lebanon with military assistance in its fight against Takfiri terrorism.

The Iranian official said the Lebanese army was in the frontline of the battle against terrorism.

Afkham also pointed to the failure of certain parties in fulfilling pledges of support for the Lebanese military.

She said Tehran awaits Lebanon’s response over the proposed arms transfer.

Lebanon has been rocked by the spillover of the deadly conflict in Syria, where the ISIL Takfiri terrorists are operating against the government in Damascus.