Militant attacks kill Syrian civilians

At least five civilians have been killed and several others wounded in a series of  mortar attacks by foreign-backed militants near the Syrian capital Damascus.

Mortar shells fired by militants fighting against the Syrian government hit residential areas in and around Damascus on Tuesday.

Syria’s official news agency SANA said that two people were killed in Damascus and three in the suburb of Jaramana.

Medical sources say about two dozen more were wounded in the deadly attacks.

Cities and towns across Syria have frequently come under bomb attacks as well as mortar and rocket fire by the foreign-backed militants.

The latest violence occurred hours before the new UN special envoy to Syria began his visit to the country. This is Staffan de Mistura’s first visit to Syria since he was appointed in July.

The UN has said in a recent statement that Mistura will travel to Damascus for consultations with Syrian officials.

Takfiri terrorists have recently stepped up their attacks against civilians as Syrian army soldiers have achieved major victories in their battle against the foreign-backed militants.

On Monday, Syrian troops carried out an attack against the militants to recapture a strategic area near Damascus.  The offensive was launched after the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front seized parts of the southeastern suburb of Dukhaniyeh.

The village of Dukhaniyeh is regarded as a strategic area for terrorists, since it can be used as a launch pad for mortar attacks on Damascus.

More than 191,000 people have been killed in over three years of battle in Syria, according to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

The militants in Syria are reportedly supported by the Western powers and their regional allies – especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.