Prominent Sunni cleric demands Saudi King to cancel Sheikh Nimr death sentence

Molavi Abdul Hamid Esmaeel Zehi, Friday prayer leader in the Iranian southeastern city of Zhedan, sent a letter to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia demanding the cancellation of death sentence for Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al Nimr.

Molavi Esmaeel Zehi in this letter referred to the chaotic situation in the world of Islam and stressed unity and fraternity as the basic necessities of the Muslim community calling interaction and wisdom as the ways to achieve them.

Friday prayer leader of Zahedan, in parts of his letter addressed King Abdullah saying,” Since the enemies of Islam are in constant ambush to make the best of any situation and fuel the fire of intrigues in the Islamic countries, here on behalf of the Iranian Sunni clerics, I demand that your highness make use of the special kingdom power to cancel the death sentence for Sheikh Nimr al Nimr.”

Iranian senior cleric called this measure a reason for boosting solidarity and expansion of fraternity among Muslims and noted,” Certainly the cancelation of this sentence will be followed by several positive outcomes and will lead to expansion of unity and fraternity among Muslims.”

Nimr was sentenced to death by the Specialized Criminal Court in the Saudi capital Riyadh on charges of disturbing the kingdom’s security and making anti-government speeches.
